So much for the separation of powers. We live in a fascist state.
Fetid Dem Senators grill bank CEOs and excoriate them about having private aircraft. Then same Fetid Dem Senators fly on military aircraft to get to a vote. Even worse, Queen Pelosi has a 767 at her beck and call to fly between CA and DC. Good God, I hate the ruling class in the US. Why can’t we throw all these schmucks into a swamp and elect some real Americans who understand representative democracy?
“Um, teacher? I have a question, teacher! I thought you said that Congress and the presidency were two separate branches of government!”
Good grief! This has to be passed so urgently, they are flying a man in between the wake and funeral of his mother!!
This is a bloody nightmare.
So if he is the 60th vote, who voted for Coleman/Franken seat and who is the official deadtome Republican that voted for it?
So it is written, so it is done.
PharOh will provide.
He should’ve driven a Chevy.
Could you imagine if President Bush pulled the same thing for an important vote in Congress? Oberwoman would have blown a fuse.
I am just going to copy what I wrote on another thread about this. The short version is that any multi-hundred-billion-dollar company that sends its CEO around on commercial airlines is grossly irresponsible. This is class warfare of the most distorted kind. The time of a top-level officer of such a company genuinely IS worth more than the cost of charter air travel. The cost of having said ceo spend 100 hours a year checking in, 2 full work-days a year lost to missed connections/delays, etc., is huge. My previous post -
“the entire class warfare stuff about corporate planes is really being distorted beyond reason, at least in terms of the need of corporate officers to get to point B from point A without spending the night in atlanta (or DFW ORD DTW MSP etc) when their flight is late and their connection gone, not to mention the hours spend in check-in, baggage claim, etc.
If you are CEO or other major officer of a major company (billions in revenue), the cost to the company of you being out of functional circulation, particularly unplanned as in cxled flights, is just too high to justify risking flying Delta. Whether the company charters, leases, owns, etc., is in part semantics. I dont doubt that planes are used by officers for recreational motives also, but imagine one of those ceos at the congressional hearing not showing up because delta had an equipment issue.”
If Brown had voted NAY, would he have had to walk home?
I’m suprised Barack (piss be upon him) didn’t command the senator to delay his mother’s funeral like The One did with his “Typical white person” granny.
And his name will live in infamy.
While I feel for Sherrod Brown and his loss, this is NOT the OFFICIAL BUSINESS of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH or the US GOVERNMENT.
Separation of powers.....
More to the point.....
.....Would Obama have given the plane to someone who would have voted NO?
I thought not. He would have shamelessly taken the opportunity to reduce the NO vote. This is an abuse of Executive power. IMHO, the "Grandma" part of the story was conveniently put in to make the story palatable. In truth it is irrelevent. I don't get free government travel when my grandma dies and it is inconvenient.....