As a worker, cut your earnings to the extent that you can do so without harming yourself. Instead of working overtime and hiring a plumber/carpenter/whatever for a home improvement, limit your taxable income and do more work for yourself. The looters can't take a share of your productivity if you're doing it for your own home.
As a consumer, don't buy a new car - do maintenance or buy used if necessary, and consider whether you want that purchase to support GM, UAW, and others who support the looters and benefit from the bailout. As a consumer, find more do-it-yourself entertainment. Let Hollywood and the networks starve, without your ticket dollars and without your viewership. I will not do any movies for the next four years, nor will I pay for cable. The Internet is enough for me. I want the recession to be deep enough that it will slow the thugs down and leave them short on money and credit to limit the harm they can do.
As a taxpayer, take every imaginable deduction: it's not whether the deduciton is ethical but whether it is legal. Bill Clinton deducted the market value of his used underwear 20 years ago, I'd suggest donating everything to charity instead of throwing it away and deducting it's "market value" as estimated by a deduction finder software package. If those boxers were good enough to wear last week, then they have value under IRS rules - use that to subtract from your "income". Got a few hundred used books that you'll never read again? Give them to charity too and value them at $5-$20 each. That's what people pay for them, so that's what they're "worth". Just make sure that you donate enough of real value that it's worth their time to sort through the symbolic donations that are included.
The government of the United States is in the hands of looters who are evil and who will use your tax dollars to harm the nation. My answer? Starve the beast.
Excellent message!
You’ve got my mindset down pretty well there.
Turtle up. Don’t consume except as necessary. Take every legal tax deduction possible. Donate as much as you can to keep the gov’t from getting it.