He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient;
We've gotten used to annual SOTU addresses, but "from time to time" in ObamaTime is next year. But it will have "all the trappings" of a SOTU address, which means he will receive all the accolades as he enters the chamber, without any of the expectations of a SOTU address.
The GOPers need to leave town. The “messiah” doesn’t care about them anyway.
here is to hoping that Arlen Spincter caves into common sense and the will of his party...
he thinks he is smarter than the rest of us...
Obama needs to have his plan handed back to him by the producers of America. He is relying on them being asleep...
The guy is really delusional.
Zer0 needs to spread more fear, gloom, doom an lies. The 4 rinos should be tarred, feathered, an put on show for display at Zer0s show
“joint session”-If I’m a R member of congress I’m inviting Michael Phelps to that “joint session”, because I’d need a hit of his bong to sit through that “joint session”.
I have no desire to watch him or the Congress. Or to read about them, either. Not the kind of people I’d care to associate with.
White House officials say that Obama's speech to a joint session of the House and Senate will have the trappings of a State of the Union address, but it will not be considered one.
I can hardly wait
Addicted to adoration!
Prolamation Coming on Feb 24?
"I hereby suspend the constitution of the United States in order to deal with our economic situation."
All Members of Congress have signed their consent.
Obama Rex.