Mexico is as it is because of the War on (some) Drugs, ergo, the War on (some) Drugs is a threat to national security. You wanted a war, Drug Warriors, you’ve got it. It might take down Mexico with it, I hope you’re happy about this outcome, because you brought it about.
“Mexico is as it is because of the War on (some) Drugs, “
Oh, please! Any more excuses for that mess down there? Mexico is Mexico! Yes, the war on drugs is a failure. THAT isn’t what is wrong with Mexico. Pandering by our politicians and excuses by too many is the problem.
Yes I want a war on drugs. A real one, not one where we hang our brave enforcement officers out to dry in a faux war to provide politicians cover. Politicians who really don't give a dam about their lives or the lives of our children and fellow citizens. The war in Mexico is about criminality not drugs. Drugs are just a method used by criminals to make money. Legalizing drugs won't get rid of the criminals. They will just change what they use to make money. If you find yourself on the side of folks that kill law abiding citizens and place their heads on spikes, maybe that little toke costs too much. Maybe you should reexamine your position.