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To: Southack
From 1989 to 2009, Japanese real-estate has deflated 50%.

Your original post did not specify deflation in real estate prices. It was general statement about deflation in Japan as a whole with no, ifs, ands, or buts. Do you stand by your original post or don't you?

47 posted on 02/06/2009 3:05:19 PM PST by Captain Kirk
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To: Captain Kirk
The value in a theory is predictive. If Schiff was correct, he would have made money. Instead, he lost it. Schiff can't explain deflation in the U.S. during the 1930's when spending exploded to pay for FDR's massive social experiment.

Schiff can't explain U.S. deflation during the 1990-1991 recession.

For that matter, the terms themselves alude to deflation. Depression refers to a slight indention or hole in the ground, and "recession" similarly implies a decline or regression.

Schiff can't explain the fall in Japanese real-estate and stock prices over the past 20 years...even as Japan printed record amounts of Yen to fund massive public works projects.

And Schiff isn't correctly predicting the future of the world today, either.

The reason *why* Schiff keeps failing...truly epic that Schiff doesn't understand the impact of the destruction of credit on credit-based, fiat economies.

As for you, you could save a lot of typing by simply saying that you will forever disagree with anything that runs contrary to Schiff's failed track record.

Let me know after this giant spending package porks its way through Congress when we'll see Weimar here in the U.S. ... because I've got a simple fact for you to keep in mind (secretly so as not to upset your own personal worldview): unless the pork re-establishes credit, we'll keep seeing deflation.

48 posted on 02/06/2009 3:30:12 PM PST by Southack (Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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