Watch them loose in 2010.
I do not believe Obama will last more than 8 months at this rate
Resignation imminent.
And then we get Biden, who's just as much an idiot as Zero. After that, it's Pelosi, Byrd, and....Hillary.
Are you kidding? Democrats do not resign, we have loads of examples. Carter, Rangle, Clinton, Blago, etc,etc,etc there are loads of disgraced dems not resigning. O will never resign. He will win another term, because he has the resources, especially in this boondoggle of a bill, to pull it off. All it takes is lots of money and a complicit press to do it.
I am afraid that he will not leave when his 8 years are up, I bet $100 that no matter how bad it gets he will not resign. Dems have no shame.