I fail to see a connection.
Personally, I don't care if the Phelps character lives or dies or smokes pot or chases hookers; I simply don't care one way or the other what he does, as he has absolutely no relevance to anything I do in my life, but I fail to see any connection between what he does and what Sarah Palin did or did not do.
I cannot understand those people that attempt to justify the actions of one by citing the actions of another, especially if either of them are held up, rightly or wrongly, as a paragon of virtue.
Essentially, what you are implying, is that if Sarah Palin has smoked pot, then it's okay if this Phelps person smokes pot.
I don’t care about the pot either.
What strikes me is that this kid may have ruined his endorsements and gotton himself banned from the next olympics,,this could cost him all his plans for the future. For acting like an adolescent. Sad,,reminds me of Brittany Spears. Just no sense at all.