Wow. Not a single economist left who isn't a Marxist redistributionist. Who'da thunk it?
The writer is a little confused when he claims economists of every stripe support this. Not true. Some do support big govt pork but responsible economists would point out that there is no stimulus in this package. Those ecenomists support real stimulus in the form of taxcuts for business and individuals but they get no mention in the press.
Reminds me of the last time I watch CBS News with Dan Rather (probably sometime in the late 80's). He made the statement "All Economists agree that Reagonomics does not work."
I saw no evidence that he had polled all economists in the US, let alone the world, therefore he was lying. But never again in my house.
Not even I :)
Of course all the economists protesting the DEB (Depression Enhancement Act) are ignored. See this:
Oh, and Deb, I guess I should have pinged you if I was going the name the Obama Bill after you.
She is right in saying that many “conservative” economists are nothing more than Socialist-lite...
But to suggest there is unanimity is absurd. It’s like suggesting there is unanimity among scientists that Al Gore’s version of Global Warming is real.
She’s talking about the same economic experts who didn’t see the current mess coming.
A reference to Paul Krugman, no doubt...
“ the exact time when economists of every ideological stripe agree that government investments are the only way to get our economy moving again and make us competitive for the long term..”
I am an Economist by formal Education and decidedly DO NOT agree that “government Investment” is the way out. THAT’s a path so fraught with peril as to be completely unfathomable.