I’m betting thats exactly what will occur. As we are seeing, the leftwingnuts in Congress are performing exactly as predicted.
Conyers issued another subpeona for Rove, for example. Gun control measures are being revived. Exporting of the most controversial domestic policy we have, abortion.
Its laying the groundwork for a major asskicking for the Democrats in 2010...if the GOP can get out of its own way.
Thats where my doubts lay today. With the GOP, I know what the Democrats will do.
That's a pretty big "IF" and, quite frankly, just not likely to happen. The GOP is impotent, and has been for some time now.
It's worse than that, it's laying the ground work for a major asskicking of the US, IMHO. We all know who's side 0 would choose if TSHTF...he said so himself.
Locked and Loaded here.