The uselessness and meaninglessness of everything the Queen does is demonstrated by the fact that all this mass murder (abortion, “National Health,” euthanasia, etc.), has gone on right under her nose. Her subjects are being murdered, and she has never uttered a peep about it.
The British people chose to back Blair, and (amongst other things) usher in the current, particularly malevolent instantiation of the NHS.
I’m not sure why you think the Queen should have power against the wishes of the British people. She’s there to legitimate Parliament: she may not direct it. Her primary function is to separate the Head of State from the Head of Government. That’s what she does. It’s illogical to moan that she doesn’t run the country, when that’s not her job.
Its like complaining that “Bush didn’t save all those people in Louisiana”, when in fact it was Blanco and Nagin who were asleep at the switch.
She is just a person, isolated by great wealth in an institution that made political sense 500 years ago.
There is no upside for her to rock the boat, and every downside. She’s not risking the crown and all that wealth on some slattern’s spawn or drooling pensioner. She’s going to go along to get along.
Is she the head of the Church of England in any of her duties?