Mccain picked Palin cause he knew he was going to lose. I know Im going to take flack for this, but I personally dont care for Palin, her going on SNL was like the Isrealites fraternizing with Sodom and Gamora.
Gee, really? You should have been honest in your dislike for Sarah instead of "blaming the other folks who though tina fey was Sarah on snl every Saturday" You are a liar.
To: rabscuttle385
Much of the reason why I stayed home on election day. Just hearing about Mccain/Palin makes me sick. Mccain limp, and Palin on SNL every week, Ill never understand that.
17 posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 10:08:28 AM by Edizzl79 (you want my guns..come and get em...I dare ya....) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies | Report Abuse]
To: rbg81
Yes I do realize that she wasnt on SNL every week, but Im sure there were alot of people out there that didnt realize that, (LIAR (my insert)) thats why I said that. And yes I agree with you about Romney. I really dont think anyone could have won against Obama, hell even Hiliary lost!
57 posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 10:19:07 AM by Edizzl79 (you want my guns..come and get em...I dare ya....)
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I knew quite a few people at voting at the conventipn. The stage was set for an uprising to get a real Republican -- too many delegates felt McCain was a phony being shoved down their throats...
Then he picked Palin. This was seen (along with his increased oinking by McNothing in conservative mimickry) as a sign he'd learned his lesson, and so he was confirmed as the Repub's candidate.