“I am waiting for the discovery of the gay gene and people begin to abort their homosexual baby. . . imgine the left-wing agendas colliding over that one! (Choice vs homosexuality of just dandy crowd).”
Twin studies have shown that there ARE “gay genes”.
Homosexuality is estimated to be 50% genetic, 50% hormonal influence in the womb.
We are going to find the gay genes and either allow women to abort gay embryos or change their hormonal balance to make the embryo heterosexual.
Only 10% of homosexuals are born that way. The rest just get sucked into it.
Must have missed that scientific study and news flash that must have run for days and days and hyped by the Prop 8 people in California and elsewhere.
My goodness. . .if that is so, then we really have something here. Or am I misunderstand what “hormonal influence” means; do we have a specific gene that determines sexuality or is hormonal influence the same thing as having a specific gene.
By the way, would be very interested in hearing the AMA on this. Seriously.