[[The phrase nested hierarchy is rather key to the understanding of evidence for evolution. If it isnt obvious to you what this means, It would be good to look it up.]]
I know what nested hiearchy is suppsoed to indicate- however, where is the evidnece that hte heiarchy leaps speices kinds? I’m askign you why similarities must mean common descent Before we get on to why human engineered biology (or rather human modified) is, in your words, distinguishable from natural common descent biology- I’m askign you why Homological systems must mean common descent as opposed to common design-
I’m not asking you to accept that common descent is a fact. I’m asking you accept the fact that IF common descent is a fact, it places constraints on the kinds of similarities and differences you would find in related organisms.
Living things not enginered by humans conform to these constrints. Living things engineered by humans do not conform to these constraints.