Hope she wins! Unfortunately newspapers are experts at destroying people without actually going over the libel line, but maybe she will get lucky.
winning a judgement is one thing, collecting from the Old Gray Whore is another
She’s gotta prove malice, right? That’s doable..the Times has a proven track record of trying to destroy McCain...this will be interesting.
Actually no. Newspapers in the US have been masters off tying libel cases up in court until the plaintiff runs out of money. Lets see how long the MSM can continue to pull that off in their CURRENT economic condition.
With this in mind, the falsely accused in the Duke Lacrosse frame might be able to have afield day, given some sectors of the failing MSM are still to this day carrying water for Mangum.
I originally missed the threads about this here, but happened to see it on trutv.com and then came back and checked.