After all, who keeps voting for all of the windbags, thieves, charlatans, and extortionists who largely populate Congress? Ask yourself how it is that the United States Senate, formerly known as "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body", is currently host to a collection of cretins (Barbara Boxer), moral reprobates (Ted Kennedy), camera hogs (Chuck Schumer), security risks (Pat Leahy), self-promoters (John Kerry), carpetbaggers (Hillary Clinton), backstabbers (Harry Reid), turncoats (Arlen Spector) and Communists (Bernie Sanders)?
If I forgot bushwackers, cattle rustlers and sh!tkickers, it's only because Blazing Saddles took place in 1874, and people like that used to hang from the end of a long rope. But, as if the status quo weren't bad enough, to their numbers the Senate is about to add this exemplar of refinement, taste, and intellect:
Gee, ya think we're in trouble?