Like the man said, “Never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake.” I find it a lot more plausible to believe that Obama and company aren’t releasing the birth certificate because they’re laughing their asses off about this and the split its causing in conservative ranks than to believe that there’s some conspiracy going back to 1961 and involving everyone from Malcolm X to Antonin Scalia, but for which not a single tangible bit of proof has turned up.
Well, don’t let me interrupt you.
Let me guess bubba, you’re here to heal and unify the Conservative base.
Well bless your heart, what is your secret game plan for party unification?
Does it involve kissing and crossing ourselves before replicas of the ‘One?’’or just giving up the quest for his proof of Constitutional acceptability? Is that the sole issue, that once dropped, will allow us to all hold hands and sing ‘koomb ba-ya?’
The One does not appear to be laughing every time he has scooted back to Hawaii, he looks a nervous wreak.
His erasure of data, photographs, and articles related to his past from the web search engines is likely no laughing matter either. But do continue your laughter since it brings you comfort.