You said about Bush and Cheney — “Damn fool!”
Well.., this is something that I can agree with Bush and Cheney on. They are obviously more informed on many of the details of what is happening and all the ins and outs of our economy. I think they know what they’re talking about...
I really hope you are being sarcastic, my text sarcasm detection system is down at the moment.
What are the alternatives to a free market system? Socialism or some form of govt. control. Bush is saying that those work better than the free market. You agree with that?
Only a damn fool would say it let alone believe it. I don't care what he "knows". Unless this is the plan they have all along - to rend the free market we have and amalgamate it with the rest of the world. Are you for that?
I think not. Common sense should not be abandoned. Propping up an economy built on air (bad credit) only grows the problem. We should have just "let it burn." GWB and the other Ivy educated big-shots in Washington and Wall Street still think they know it all. This crisis is being made worse with each passing day. Let's stop feeding the beast and deal with the pain now, rather than destroying ourselves with an irreversible slide into socialism and tyranny.
Horse sh**! The reason the economy is in trouble, if it really is and I have my doubts, is BECAUSE of socialism not because of the free market. As for Bush abandoning free market principles, he never followed them to start with so how can he abandon them? He is a RINO, always has been a socialist at heart and now gets to abandon all pretense of being a conservative and capitalist, that is the only thing he is abandoning!