I think not. Common sense should not be abandoned. Propping up an economy built on air (bad credit) only grows the problem. We should have just "let it burn." GWB and the other Ivy educated big-shots in Washington and Wall Street still think they know it all. This crisis is being made worse with each passing day. Let's stop feeding the beast and deal with the pain now, rather than destroying ourselves with an irreversible slide into socialism and tyranny.
You said — “This crisis is being made worse with each passing day. Let’s stop feeding the beast and deal with the pain now, rather than destroying ourselves with an irreversible slide into socialism and tyranny.”
It’s like “pulling the plug” on a patient in the ICU. The patient needs drastic care and help. You “pull the plug” and you kill the patient...
That’s the way it is here...
You’re saying that you can “pull the plug” on the patient and he will live... LOL...