So, in effect he's saying that socialism works better.
Damn fool!
34 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes. Then we replace one Fabian socialist idiot with another.
Did he have any explanations for the previous seven and a half years?
Two words, damn fool.
Love this guy and he will go down in history as a President that defended this Country. That said, this bailout BS is just that, BS. He has laid the foundation for the chosen one to come in a keep Dems and their giveaways in place for 50 years, just like FDR. Somebody in the Republican Party better wake up. It isn’t the old guys,lets get some new folks in there.
Thank you, Jorge Boosh.
Which is only going to lead to more pain and suffering.
Gee, I got a better idea! Lets try Marxism!
Schmuck, times infinity.
WHAT??????? Bush, what ARE you smoking?
You’ve done some great things for our country (such keeping us safe, signing the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and appointing two great justices to the SCOTUS), but this bailout stuff is just WRONG! Why are you doing this???
When Congress passed that (illegal, Senate-originated) trillion-dollar bailout bill, the best I could do was give them the benefit of the doubt - hoping they did it because they knew something the rest of the country didn’t, and acted on that knowledge to save this country from ruin. (As Lincoln said, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.)
But (again giving them the benefit of the doubt) are they really saving this country from ruin? Or are they merely postponing the ruin?
Definition of sacrifice:
1 : an act of offering something precious to God or a god; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar
Sacrificing the free market system will not make you a martyr GWB!!! It makes you an idiot RINO and worse!!!!!!!
The last president to say that was FDR, and look what we got. Bush abandoned free-market principles because he and his advisors aren't real free-market believers and so they are too dense to think up free-market solutions to the problem. Their knee-jerk reaction--from the begining of the administration forward--has been to spend like there's no tomorrow.
Really what we had were massive previous govt. interventions such as the forces that produced the whole “sub-prime” fiasco which did so much to subvert private enterprise valuations of properties, mortgages, etc.
So once the govt. (led by demented Demagogues like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) had screwed things up badly enough, the cry goes up for vastly more govt. intervention to “save” the economy.
“We had to destroy the village in order to save it”
And they had to burn the village in order to save it.
Using that logic, Mr. Bush, did ya also vote for Obama?
Sacrificed principle? Why did he hold these so-called principles if they don’t work. We are in this mess because we do not have free markets but government interference, regulation, fiat money, etc. The man is a total idiot. He is telling the world that freedom does not work. Good riddance. Here’s another pair of shoes at ya.
I’d think sacrificing Democrats would be more efficacious in saving the economy. Not to mention more emotionally satisfying. Who’s got the knife?
(No actual Democrats were harmed in the making of this post.)
“We had to destroy the village in order to save it”.