To: Star Traveler
I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system The last president to say that was FDR, and look what we got. Bush abandoned free-market principles because he and his advisors aren't real free-market believers and so they are too dense to think up free-market solutions to the problem. Their knee-jerk reaction--from the begining of the administration forward--has been to spend like there's no tomorrow.
To: Opinionated Blowhard; Star Traveler
Bush's weakness was nothing but capitulation to the liar Paulson and Drat cronies with their Great Depression rhetoric. This was a Coup d’ta and nothing less. The GD is coming and the real result of this is pure socialistic fascism. Their knee-jerk reaction—from the beginning of the administration forward—has been to spend like there's no tomorrow.
162 posted on
12/17/2008 3:12:52 AM PST by
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