Posted on 12/16/2008 3:08:12 PM PST by Star Traveler
US President George W. Bush said in an interview Tuesday he was forced to sacrifice free market principles to save the economy from "collapse."
"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system," Bush told CNN television, saying he had made the decision "to make sure the economy doesn't collapse."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If you can become an apologist to socialism during times of trouble then you were never a free marketer. The principles of capitalism works in good time and bad. Its the only just and morale system esp now
“Oh no..., I hope that doesnt mean that Sharia law is next...”
I think me and my family are going to take one of those shoe-making classes online, you know, from Phoenix University or some place like that. It seems that making shoes might be quite the profitable industry in the Islamic world.
I can see that you think you’ve hit upon a clever analogy, but it’s a poor one. What the government is doing here is not analogous to an ER doc.
Well, I figure that if we could emerge from the last Great Depression and have good economic successes in between then and now — we can certainly see the same thing happen again.
So, I don’t see dire results from going through a Great Depression, as long as the “patient” is treated with whatever measures are necessary to keep it alive, in the meantime.
After that, the patient will recover and go back to a sound footing — *just like it happened before*.
If it happened once and we made it through, then we’ll certainly do so again.
Government institutions nationalizing private sector firms feed addictions to power equivalent to individual addictions to chemicals or pornography. The only beneficiaries are the patricians who dupe individuals into exchanging personal freedom for perception of material security. The final reckoning is only postponed, but loss of freedom is permanent.
The illusion central planning has value has been partially validated, because the U.S. has allowed the business cycle (driven to extremes by human arrogance and fear) to operate. Free market principles are not economic constructs, but absolutes sourced in human nature.
Proper government involvement means the Federal Reserve, in concert with Treasury and Justice, applies persuasion to private sector firms. Brutal persuasion, just short of torture as condemned by Geneva Conventions, enables private companies to discover programs for market clearing asset prices. They also form new companies absent flagging management and labor attributes.
Whatever financial cost the country must pay now to adhere to principle pales before the later cost incurred, if markets are forced to merely postpone consequences. True solutions reaffirm the inevitability of market forces countermanding human laws, and incorporating risk within all economic activities.
The framers of our Constitution had the intelligence and moral integrity to say this country will promote the general welfare. It did not say the Treasury Secretary would ensure protection of home values, college funds, retirement accounts, life savings, homeownership, corporate wealth, political careers, and union benefits.
It serves the purpose and I’m sure Bush and Cheney are thinking the same way...
In fact they are... they are also trying to “save the economy” (ummm.... the “patient”...)...
Horse sh**! The reason the economy is in trouble, if it really is and I have my doubts, is BECAUSE of socialism not because of the free market. As for Bush abandoning free market principles, he never followed them to start with so how can he abandon them? He is a RINO, always has been a socialist at heart and now gets to abandon all pretense of being a conservative and capitalist, that is the only thing he is abandoning!
Those are all fine words in an academic sense... however, what is going to happen is that if we are sinking into a Great Depression and the unemployment numbers are going to rise up to 25% (as before) — then — all those displaced and unemployed and homeless families are not going to be reading “academic treatises”.... LOL...
They’re going to be voting for politicians that go to extreme measures to get them in a place to live and having food on the table and paying for their kids needs and having a job.
I’m afraid esoteric discussions won’t phase those unemployed and homeless families being kicked out of what they’ve had for years of working faithfully along and paying bills and so on...
Sorry about posting my comment twice. Sometimes I get overcome by technology.
No change, he’s just now acknoweledeing that he’s a one world socialist that he was raised to be.
You said — “We killed the patient in order to save him.”
Yes, that could be the mantra for the ER people standing around the patient to see if he lives on his own... LOL...
If your purpose is making false analogies to support a bad argument, then I suppose it does. But I'd sooner see you make an honest attempt at debate here.
You said — “The reason the economy is in trouble, if it really is and I have my doubts [ ... ]”
Right there I stopped, because I’m convinced that anyone who says they doubt that there is a problem has a bigger problem with comprehending reality...
It depends on what the meaning of "free" is, to re-phrase an earlier observation.
You said — “ But I’d sooner see you make an honest attempt at debate here.”
I’ll let Bush and Cheney make the case. That happens to be *their job* — and not my job... :-)
What Bush is saying, together with the Marxists, is that capitalism doesn’t work. Of course, it’s easy to say that when you have made that huge fortune that he has.
“No, I think Bush and Cheney are right. Were headed for a Great Depression and extreme measures are called for... thats just the way I think it is”
A Great Depression is exactly what this country and the world needs.
I believe you’re getting your wish...
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