Excellent observations by a medical insider. Michelle Obama creeps me out and reminds me of the director of an adult literacy program I once worked in. Instead of actually teaching people how to read, we were supposed to help them “reflect on black consciousness” and create solidarity, whatever that was. Most of the people who had come to the program were black, but they had absolutely no interest in the consciousness-raising meetings to which they were subjected. One of them complained to me, just before dropping out of the program, that what he had really come there for was to learn how to read.
But that was not even on the agenda on this publicly funded program, which specialized mostly in trying to get the white volunteers and the few non-black participants in the program to make public apologies for being white and get the black participants to “express their rage.”
All of these programs, whether in education or health care, become nothing but Marxist social manipulation programs that use the words health or education to lure people in and mask their real goals. I think Michelle is even more Marxist and white-hating than her husband, and aside from that, she’s dumber but equally power-hungry. A dangerous combination.
I believe you have hit the nail on the head, an excellent posting containing several terrible truths!