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Most people in the cities have abandoned the “WE” concept and replaced it with the “ME” concept: ME-ME-ME-ME, I-I-I-I-I, 24/7.

That has happened pretty recently, including here in the suburbs. I lived in the Bronx until I was 10, then we moved to Long Island. NONE of us got away with ANYTHING, in the city or the suburbs, nor could we make a move without "home" knowing about it because everyone looked out for everyone else. And guess what? Other adults were allowed to reprimand us if they caught us doing something wrong then they dragged our butts home and told on us!!

It's very very different now and not in a good way.

104 posted on 12/11/2008 3:32:07 PM PST by NoGrayZone (Just Registered With the Conservative Party...RINO's can kiss my......)
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To: NoGrayZone

LOL... I grew up in a city too. There was a “neighborhood watch” long before what they claim to have today.

EVERY neighbor had a BIG mouth, and ratted you out... It was a “conspiracy” I tell ya!

If I screwed up, as for instance: getting sent home from school for misbehavior, I would catch hell from the teacher (she actually grabbed you by your ear and dragged your butt to the office) ... Then the principle would paddle my butt with a yardstick, call my mom, and send me home... Then two or three unknown “neighbors” would scold me on my WALK back home, because they knew you were in trouble... Then my Mom would punish me... then my Dad would take a strap to my butt when he got home... Then on the next day the local neighbors would chastise me! I “toe the line” as an adult because, when I was a boy, you could NOT get away with ANYTHING!

That all changed with some perverted schmuck named Dr. Benjamin Spock, who worked to destroy natural authority in society, and forced the medical establishment to report parents suspected of spanking their children.

The only way to effectively fight “change agents” IS to give them a “blanket party,” tie a couple of cinder blocks around their neck, and then toss their butt into a deep river. That is how we used to deal with those who would corrupt our children.

My grandparents’ generation is just about gone... My parents’ generation is dying out... and my generation is populated by eunichs and poltroons who will not fight for anything. Only a civil war will clear the decks of all the dead wood that infests this Republic... but today none have the guts to pull the trigger.

173 posted on 12/12/2008 7:39:13 AM PST by TCH (Another redneck clinging to guns and religion)
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