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Hope more lawsuits surface. I'm surprised this even made the paper copy. MSM is doing it's best not to report anything negative of their golden boy, osama hussein.
1 posted on 12/11/2008 10:11:01 AM PST by lilylangtree
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To: lilylangtree
In every case, the primary allegations are that Obama's Hawaii birth certificate is fake, and that he was secretly born in Kenya.

Not true. The D'onofrio case had nothing to do with a birth certificate.

2 posted on 12/11/2008 10:14:48 AM PST by Bloody Sam Roberts (Inspiration: The momentary cessation of stupidity.)
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To: lilylangtree

Waste of time and money at this point since these will be tossed at the lowest levels of the judiciary, based upon this week’s SCOTUS decisions refusing to hear the cases.

3 posted on 12/11/2008 10:14:55 AM PST by Virginia Ridgerunner (Sarah Palin is a smart missile aimed at the heart of the left!)
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To: lilylangtree

I wish ALL these lawsuits were worded “BHO must prove he is eligible” rather than we prove he’s not....

4 posted on 12/11/2008 10:15:23 AM PST by Minnesoootan
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To: lilylangtree

I am assuming suits have been filed against past presidents-elect.

If so, my question is have more suits been filed protesting this president-elect than in the past?

6 posted on 12/11/2008 10:20:08 AM PST by hoe_cake (" 'We the people' tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us." Ronald Reagan)
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To: lilylangtree

The more the merrier.

8 posted on 12/11/2008 10:28:29 AM PST by cripplecreek (The poor bastards have us surrounded.)
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To: lilylangtree
This is what a Copy of a Certificate of Live Birth (some data redacted) issued by the State of Hawaii, Department of Health in July 1962 for the Birth of a male child in February 1962 on the Island of Oahu looks like. Note the State of Hawaii, Department of Health official embossed seal and official signatures of the then Director of Health, Leo Bernstein, MD and the then Registrar General, Charles G. Bennett. The State of Hawaii officials’ signatures and the date the document was issued are underlined in red. This document is a photographic copied image. It is a black background document with white letters which clearly were created by a 1962 typewriter. A document similar to this is what most of the lawsuits about the record of birth of Obama are asking to be released for public viewing.

The second image is a copy of the Certification of Live Birth document which has been repeatedly “published” on a number of web sites as the Official version of Obama’s birth record from the State of Hawaii. This is no actual place of birth (hospital, plantation, farm, etc.) shown. See boxes #6a through 6d of the document shown in the first image. There is also no Department of Health official embossed seal on this document.

On November 1, 2008, the following email was send:

To The Honorable Linda Lingle Dear Governor Lingle,

I ask that you release all information that the State of Hawaii Department of Health has on Senator Barack Obama's Certificate of Live Birth documentation.

Certainly over 100 million or so Americans, our countrymen, who will be voting on November 4th, 2008 deserve to have this information be publicly made available to them as part of the information they will weigh concerning a candidate as each of them places their vote for President on or before this date.

I can think of no higher purpose for any government entity or branch, than to ensure full, fair, and accurate information is given about a Presidential candidate.

As you well know, the "COLB" or other documents presented as true copies by the Barack Obama campaign website are false and have been digitally modified. As you must realize, this falsification of a presupposed State of Hawaii "official" record, directly and indirectly damages all State of Hawaii real birth records.

These falsehoods from the Obama campaign are a direct attack on the integrity of your governorship and on the integrity of all records kept by the State of Hawaii.

When you took your oath of Office as Governor of the state of Hawaii, did you not also swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States?

By not addresses this issue how and fully, you are also directly denigrating the official State of Hawaii recognition of the birth record of my son who was born in Hawaii just several months after the date of the record(s) in question.

This issue MUST be answered by the truth. By not addresses this issue, you are not fulfilling your oath of office.

Resident of the State of Hawaii

1960 – 1963

As a response the following statement attributed to the current Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, Chiyome Fukino, MD and the current Registrar General per their joint press release on October 31, 2008 was returned by email: in part: “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”.

Their complete public statement clearly made no references to the key data to be found in #6 boxes and well as the supporting data as in the #7 boxes in the first image. Box #16 shows the birthplace of the mother. Box #11 shows the birth place of the father. (In the modern secular world this person would also be known as the sperm donor.)

In fact this response by the office of the Governor of the State of Hawaii was a very disingenuous and a fraudulent response to my original query.

If you had the responsibility to investigate, qualify and vet someone who is to be given a United States Military Top Secret, No Foreign Special Access Security Clearance including the nuclear weapons launch control codes, which document of the two images shown would you find acceptable as a genuine State of Hawaii government issued “Record of a Birth” in the State of Hawaii?

You be the Judge (Roberts, Souter, Ginsburg, Scalia, Stevens, Alito, Kenny, Breyer, Thomas). _______________________________ Certificate-of-Live-Birth-Hawaii-1962 Certification-Of-Live-Birth-Obama-1961

14 posted on 12/11/2008 11:01:33 AM PST by NewEnglander
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To: lilylangtree

You are right! It’s suprising that this one hit the media in the liberal “true blue” State of Washington (where the Democrat Governor stole the 2004 election in court and by repeated re-counts).

39 posted on 12/11/2008 12:38:05 PM PST by real_patriotic_american
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To: lilylangtree

All th clown obama has to do is actually physically and openly produce it, and this could all be over.
I sincerely believe he is not a natural born citizen simply because he will not quell this easily and quickly.

40 posted on 12/11/2008 12:46:44 PM PST by vpintheak (Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked. Prov. 25:26)
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To: lilylangtree


I am new here and I have an accent so I hope you will forgive my typos...

I’ve been following this birth certificate story since a while. Here is what I read today and I will pass it on because it seems so important - just came up today on .

Here is the article:

URGENT!!! URGENT!!! - CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Secretly Being Railroaded Through!!!
Posted 11 December, 2008 by doctorbulldog
Categories: Abuse of Power, Orwellian, politics

Yesterday, Ohio tried to become the 33rd state to vote in a Constitutional Convention!!!

This article is a day old, but it IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Here is my personal update to the story:

Due to public concern, the vote on Ohio House Joint Resolution 8 ( HJR 8 ) was TEMPORARILY halted, but it WILL come up again! - there are rumors it could be today or tomorrow!

Even the PETA-like Libtards are fighting against this!!!

Only 34 states are needed to CHANGE THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!!!!

And, once a “Con Con” is approved — only two more states to go! — Congress (think Nancy Pelosi - Harry Reid) can select who will be on the committee to CHANGE the Constitution.

The states have NO CONTROL over what the committee decides to change in OUR CONSTITUTION!!!

They can change ANYTHING. And, it’s ALL LEGAL and binding!!

A list of the states that have secretly slipped this by the public can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered my state of Missouri on that list!!!



H/T - az_conservative

U.S. Two States Away from Constitutional Convention

APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click to send this APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your friends! It’s fast, it’s easy, and most of all, it’s extremely effective in KILLING LEFTIST POLICIES!

This is the most urgent, most important action alert the American Policy Center has ever issued! The Ohio state legislature is expected to vote today, Wednesday, Dec. 10th, to call for a Constitutional Convention (Con Con). If Ohio calls for a Con Con only one more state need do so and Congress will have no choice but to convene a Convention, throwing our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights up for grabs. Ohio’s vote today poses a grave threat to the U.S. Constitution. Please immediately call the Ohio lawmakers listed below. ACT FAST - time is of the essence!

I apologize! This malignancy most foul remained undetected by our radar until a good friend brought it to our attention yesterday. The hour is late, but WE MUST TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!

It does not matter where you live. Ohio’s vote today endangers everyone in every state in the Union, so we must pressure Ohio lawmakers to discard this disastrous legislative effort.

Thirty-two (32) other states have already called for a Con Con (allegedly to add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution). 34 states are all that is required, and then Congress MUST convene a Convention.

The U.S. Constitution places no restriction on the purposes for which the states can call for a Convention. If Ohio votes to call a Con Con, for whatever purpose, the United States will be only one state away from total destruction. And it’s a safe bet that those who hate this nation, and all She stands for, are waiting to pounce upon this opportunity to re-write our Constitution. We dare slumber no longer; we must take immediate action to preserve this nation!

Certainly all loyal Americans want government constrained by a balanced budget. But calling a Con Con risks a revolutionary change in our form of government. The ultimate outcome will likely be a new constitution; one that would possibly eliminate the Article 1 restriction to the coinage of real money or even eliminate gun or property rights. So what may look like a good idea to the legislators driving this effort - all Republicans - will certainly make them prey to the law of unintended consequences - at the very least insuring the U.S. will never have a balanced budget - while destroying what vestiges of liberty the government still allows.

You may have heard that some of those 32 states have voted to rescind their calls. This is true. However, under Article V of the Constitution, Congress must call a Constitutional Convention whenever 2/3 (or 34) of the states apply. The Constitution makes no provision for rescission. We’ve been told advocates of the convention are waiting to capture just two more states - Ohio, and one other. They can then challenge the other states’ rescissions in the courts while going ahead with the Convention. Congress alone then decides whether state legislatures or state conventions ratify proposed amendments.

You may have heard the states can control the subject of any convention. In truth no restrictive language from any state can legally limit the scope or outcome of a Convention! Once a Convention is called Congress determines how the delegates to the Convention are chosen. Once chosen, those Convention delegates possess more power than the U.S. Congress itself; if it were not so they would not be able to change the U.S. Constitution!

We have not had a Constitutional Convention since 1787. That Convention was called to make small changes in the Articles of Confederation. As a point of fact, several states first passed resolutions requiring their delegates discuss amendments to the Articles ONLY, forbidding even discussion of foundational changes. However, following the delegates’ first agreement that their meetings be in secret, their second act was to agree to debate those state restrictions and to declare the Articles of Confederation NULL AND VOID! They also changed the ratification process, reducing the required states’ approval from 100% to 75%. There is no reason to believe a contemporary Con Con wouldn’t further “modify” Article V restrictions to suit its purpose.

As former Chief Justice Warren Burger said in a letter written to Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum:
“…there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the convention would obey. After a convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don’t like its agenda. The meeting in 1787 ignored the limit placed by the confederation Congress…” (emphasis mine)

We were blessed in 1787; the Con Con delegates were the leaders of a freedom movement that had just cleansed this land of tyranny.

Today’s corrupt politicians and judges would like nothing better than the ability to legally ignore the Constitution - to modify its “problematic” provisions to reflect the philosophical and socials mores of our contemporary society.

The majority of U.S. voters just elected a dedicated leftist as President. Republicans are at their weakest right now! This is a horrible time to try such a crazy scheme. We cannot control the debate right now! Don’t for one second doubt that delegates to a Con Con wouldn’t revise the 1st Amendment into a government-controlled privilege, replace the 2nd Amendment with a “collective” right to self-defense, and abolish the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and the rest of the Bill of Rights. Additions could include the non-existent Separation of Church and State, the “right” to abortion and euthanasia, and much, much more.

Our uniquely and purely American concept of individual rights, endowed by our Creator, would be quickly set aside as an anachronistic relic of a bygone era; replaced by new “collective” rights, awarded and enforced by government for the “common good”.

The problems our nation faces are not a result of deficiencies in our Constitution; rather, they are the direct result of our disregard for that divinely-inspired document of liberty.

There is no challenge faced by this nation that cannot be solved either by enforcing existing law, or in limited cases, by writing new law. We do not need, AND MUST NOT RISK THE LIBERTY OF THE UNITED STATES with, a Constitutional Convention!

Ohio must not vote for a Con Con! We cannot control the debate! And state #34 is likely sitting silently in the wings, ready to act with lightning speed, sealing the fate of our once great nation before we can prevent it.

Stop the Ohio bill and we can stop the Constitutional Convention.


We need only stop the House bill, HJR8, sponsored by Representative Louis Blessing, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (there is a Senate bill too).

1. Call Chairman Blessing’s office and tell his staff you oppose a Constitutional Convention and you want this process stopped.

Tell them this is the most dangerous time ever to call for such a convention.

Tell them no one can control the debate or outcome of a Con Con.

Representative Louis Blessing
Phone: (614) 466-9091
Fax: (614) 719-3583

2. Call Representative Bill Batchelder. He is a very good man. I’ve known him for years. But he has been misled on this issue. The word is he is wavering. Your calls can convince him to withdraw his support. That can kill this bill.

Representative Bill Batchelder
Phone: (614) 466-8140
Fax: (614) 719-3969

3. It is URGENT that you make your calls right now. The bill could be voted on as early as this afternoon (Wednesday).

I’m so sorry for this late notice. We just found out about this last night.

Please get this message out far and wide. This task requires our very best effort! E-mail and call your friends, family and neighbors. Network anywhere and everywhere possible. If you know someone who never takes action, encourage them to break that habit this one time. Our Constitution is under assault!

Visit the American Policy Center website

SEND THIS MESSAGE TO AT LEAST TEN MORE PEOPLE! APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click here to send this APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your friends! It’s fast, it’s easy and most of all, it’s extremely effective in KILLING OPPRESSIVE POLICIES!

43 posted on 12/11/2008 2:56:29 PM PST by American Dream 246
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To: lilylangtree

Keep them coming. The shadow is getting longer and darker. I’m beginning to wonder if there will even be an inaugaration.

45 posted on 12/11/2008 3:46:44 PM PST by Salvation ( †With God all things are possible.†)
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To: lilylangtree
...I'm surprised this even made the paper copy. MSM is doing it's best not to report anything negative of their golden boy, osama hussein.

How times have changed.

As a young "Junior Dealer", I trudged through snow and ice, sun and rain delivering the Chronicle and Review. Back in those days, Cowles Pub was a very Conservative paper.

Are the Plaintiffs from E. WA?

52 posted on 12/11/2008 7:30:30 PM PST by Diver Dave
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