Not for nuthin’
but Walmart set up a failure in the making. They did it poorly. the previous black friday, the crowd bent the doors in and almost broke them down. this year they succeeded. although the people were animals, WALMART should be the ones liable.
There is no question in my mind about that. WM will probably just offer the family a few million (13 seconds profit).
The others who were hurt might get something, too. And, as I stated, I hope the family then goes after them and gets it all.
but Walmart set up a failure in the making. They did it poorly. the previous black friday, the crowd bent the doors in and almost broke them down. this year they succeeded. although the people were animals, WALMART should be the ones liable.
You’ve got to be kidding, the people broke the doors in. What was Walmart supposed to do, build stronger doors? Hire National Guard troops in riot gear, to keep people back? How about the favorite serpentine single file rope line, that makes customers back up several hundred yards, snaking around the parking lot? That way if someone catches cold, gets run over by a shopping cart or car, or gets mugged, WalMart can be sued for that.
The solution, first get rid of all lawyers, rewrite laws so they need no interpreters, then root them out from our civilization.
Oh absolutely! Walmart forced all those folks to have a “wilding” event. The forced them to knock down others there and then tramp them to death.
In short they forced them to kill another human being so the could get in line to save a few bucks on relatively low level electronic equipment that was on sale.
Sort of odd though. I mean why didn't Walmarts in the rest of the country now have shoppers being killed for the same sale merchandise.
Oh well you must be right. After all it is big bad Walmart’s fault anyway, they can afford to pay.
Thanks. Good call.
I fail to see how WalMart created the animals that stomped one of its employees to death.
Walmart was stupid to try to even pull this off again but anyone who risked themselves by attempting to rush the store has themselves to blame. Did anyone check to see if these clowns bought anything at the sale before they found out they had back and neck pain?Hummmmm wanna bet ?