All very well and good, but how many of us practice what we preach by refusing to patronize businesses that bar concealed carry on their premises and canceling subscriptions to anti-american papers such as the NYT or continuing to use the MSM evening news as a source of “information.”
I rarely run into a business that bars concealed carry on their own, but here in SC, state law forbids the carry of a firearm into a business that has a license to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. That counts out just about every decent eating establishment in the state... and some that aren't so decent. Heck, I can't even go into a Pizza Hut, because they serve beer.
My wife is getting tired of going to I-HOP and McDonald's when we go out, but I rarely break my rule of refusing to go anywhere that the thugs know that a law abiding citizen will be defenseless.
I wonder if the state assumes total responsibility for the safety of my family and me when I am in a place that they refuse to allow me the means to defend myself?
I know.... dumb question.