You suggest that Jones’ agreeing to serve his country is a poor reflection on him. That man is eminently qualified for the job. What would suggest that a man of his qualifications and character do at this time? Do his best as national security adviser to keep our country safe at a time of global crisis, spend his time playing golf and bridge while some less qualified political appointee mishandles the job and causes the destruction of the country from without, or do as you apparently intend to do — use his vast experience and knowledge to make snarky comments from the sidelines that will likely not be taken seriously by anyone in authority, but will serve to drag the country down in the continuing morass of negativity that has hampered and consumed any promising conservative leadership over the past eight years?
Did it occur to you that he might be taking the job to serve his country, rather than out of some sycophantic devotion to Barack Obama?
Funny, I can see Colin Powell using the same defense.
Nothing romantic about it.