YES-YES-YES. WE elected the wrong Bush!
I always thought Jeb would have been better. I think we have been burned twice. GW was good except on amnesty and for dozing off over the past 2 years. I hope this is not a play for Jeb to run in 2012. I will not take a chance the third time. I guess a monarchy is better than the coming marxist cadre.
Shame too because we'll never elect another one.
Yeah, like embrace amnesty, which will then help us win votes and lose the country.
Where can I find a break down of which presidential candidate won which congressional district in each state
Took the words out of my mouth.
And we would have if not for Lawton Chiles the rat Governor of Florida in 1994 scaring old people with tales of Jeb stealing their social security, allowing him to narrowly beat Jeb.
Too bad for him his bro ruined his chances of ever being President.
Just think the popular former Governor of Florida? Well liked by conservatives. But his last name might as well be Hitler.
WE elected the wrong Bush!
We nominated the wrong Bush, certainly.The trouble is that "we" aren't able to unify around a conservative. At least, not until now. I fully expect Rush to read the Republican Party the riot act, telling them that there will be no support for conservatives for another RINO candidacy like McCain's. And if that means that the Democrat gets reelected, then so what - he was going to get reelected no matter what conservatives did. Because no one person controls the conservative movement and can deliver it to to polls to vote RINO. Rush tried that already.
The choice is up to the Republican Party - it can nominate a conservative and be competitive in 2012, or it can nominate a RINO and risk marking the hundredth anniversary of the Bull Moose Party by failing, as it did in 1912, not only to win but even to place. Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. That risk will exist in 2012 no matter what I do, or do not do.