Non-believers take philosophy very seriously, and are perfectly fine with concepts that they cannot empirically see and touch, they just don't need an invisible authoritarian to make them exist.
Religion was mankind's first crack at philosophy, although a very poor one. That is why so many elements of religion and philosophy are parallel.
Religion is to philosophy what alchemy is to chemistry and what astrology is to astronomy. Its just taking us a little longer to shake than the latter two.
“Non-believers take philosophy very seriously, and are perfectly fine with concepts that they cannot empirically see and touch, they just don’t need an invisible authoritarian to make them exist.” and evil.....
They may not need an invisible authoritarian to make these intangibles exist, but they better done some heavy ‘philosophising’ to have these come from nowhere too.
It is quite clear many of these individuals are very intelligent. But none of them can ‘explain away’ where the knowledge of good and evil came from.
Instead, they’d rather spend their lifetime playing chess with God - and he will play with you (except that life is not a game) - but your final move is your choice.
They would rather listen all day to their own human intelligence (self imposed gods) than to accept the more reasonable faith with a very comforting eternal promise.
Philosophy? What value is it - in the end? Read in Job where God answers Job - and be humbled......