You sound like that idiot Bozo when he was saying Iran was not a threat.
Lastly, your comment about no WMD in Iraq is just ignorant. At least 500 pounds of yellow cake was shipped out of there in the last year, yellow cake that liberals said wasn't there.
BTW, work towards a nuclear free Middle East? How the hell do you expect to do that when Iran is hell bent on having them AND using them against Israel as soon as they get one.
Maybe you think we should just sit by and watch Israel go up in smoke, but many of us don't. As far as the last war costing us the election that is just BS. The economy and wimpy assed RINOs, probably some of your buddies from the sound of you, cost us the election. The war had nothing to do with it.
Don’t insult me by asking me if I heard about 9/11; I lost friends there. I was there. And it was Sunnis, not Shia, who did it. Not Shia (Iran). I thought that it was Iraq that did 9/11; you neo-cons are now moving the target?
Iran is not a threat to the United States. I’m not interested in Israel or Palestine; they are foreign countries. I am not willing to commit Americans for some ‘peace deal’ between 2 foreign states.
We are always waiting for those rogue nukes. First, the Iranians were to buy them from the Russians. Then, from break-away Soviet states. The Iranians fear Israel’s 200 nukes; OK, let those two foreign states fight it out. That keeps America and American troops out of it.
Look, Iraq was bereft of WMD that could be a threat to Ameria. Sorry. We lost the American Congress and Presidency due to that war. It was a mistake. We all will pay for it for a long time. Heck of a job George.
Iran is hell bent on ONE nuke? Israel has 200. A nuke free Middle East is in AMERICA’s interest.
Look; you want to fight for Israel, carry it’s water: no problem Go there. Keep Americans defending America, not foreign states.
If you are asking: Would I choose Israel over America’s interest, I’d say emphatically: NO. Any American would.