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To: Frantzie

Just realized the java player I’m listening to right now is the show I listened to previously this eve that came up on a winamp player. This is the show where Donofrio really shows what depraved actions of the NJ Appellate judge and his clerk did to attempt to foil proper passage to USSC:

This on the Patriot Brigade Radio Network
on a java player –start-stop in place enabled


Donofrio makes public appeal at end for lawyer or historian familiar with USSC submissions such he can pass better preparation that NJ bird scuttled. LD again emphasizes this is a very rare action and he can’t pick up advice from normal sources (LIKE THE USSC clerk’s office) .
He is filing a form of heavy complaint against NJ judge on chicanery. LD IS HARDLY SURE AT ALL PROPER HISTORY CAN BE PASSED TO USSC IF / WHEN THE FULL COURT REQUESTS AND THIS COULD KILL THE CASE – JUST AS DESIGNED BY THE NJ APPELLATE DIVISION MONSTER. Judicial misconduct and obstruction of justice charges are planned by LD. The actions alone meant for delay such great action could not transpire before election day.

That’s the important part. This really shows that Leo Donofrio is almost too nice a guy to be a successful (he isn’t he’s left the field pretty much for poker-playing!) lawyer in the US today. He obviously had very nice parents. He’s just amazing in his personal civility and it almost sounds as if he’s reading from notes when I don’t think he is much at all! One’s hear the pages flipping in his hands! He has kept his humor and wits about him. As he left it Nov 19 on last plainsradio show he would do one more interview w/ Lamphere and go basically dark and prep until Dec 5 case. He’s been convinced by the NJ blockage Friday AM and at a very little Lamphere prompting and assistance, he’s going to try to stay very public.

Now I want to complain. I could not transcribe this in even piecemeal fashion until it came up on the java player. No out-takes possible on the earlier live winamp? ! There is no scroll button on my winamp via LL. Is there a better player workable with scrollable feature for this particular site ?

Click here click there.. and the archived 19th show I was in error referring to comes up on the winamp- but get this, you hit the stop button and it returns to the beginning, not as the one I listened to on winamp player earlier this eve during the electronic attack(s) which would allow a re-start a few seconds back into the show after this odd abort message sits under the player. Heck maybe I was listening live and didn’t know it - but I’m SURE LD said he’d just done his last interview w/ plainsradio- which was 19th- well again its late. And I stopped drinking a long while ago. Did he do another plainsradio show Friday that they haven’t posted? Anyways- the plainsradio presentation does not have the scroll button apprearing but one can hit the stop start and be where they were. This bloody LL show doesn’t work so. I don’t have time to go through writing a review worthy of cnet.

IF ANYONE KNOWS LL PLEASE TELL HIM TO GIVE TIME/DATE ANNOUNCEMENTS – HE GOES THRU THIS WHOLE PROGRAM WITHOUT SAYING WHAT DAY IT IS….these things can get maddening- subject to mislisting and all. Try to get him to have winamp presentation with the button to enable scrolling back and forth thru show as w/ radioamerica (Liddy).. I have no idea why presentations can’t all be like this.

This station had a link FROM Andy Martin wherein Martin had it there was an interview with him and it links up an interview with Berg by Lamphere- who is very cynical about Berg as well!! I did the thing twice!!! Last week. Too bad about Martin BTW. If you followed me a few days ago over on other blog I still say he can be (well could have) been an idiot savant to get this done. Not much of an internet powerhouse with this poor link to the guy he reviles (Berg) so.

LL has this old ex-soviet bloc guy Paul .on who i think spent way too much time in NYC..and wants to take a swipe at Hannity because he won’t crit Repubs when Sean does so plenty. No I’m not a big SH booster either but this is not a valid crit of him. This old bird sounds like a typical NY Russian bordering on blather. He is having an nice exit talking about how socialism is surrounded by feminine qualities (“emotionalism” etc). Oh he’s incurred wrath of some females listening! There are very few Russians in US who can even come close to speaking like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, all this roundly-phrased stuff I could almost say I went through by just reading here in USA.


438 posted on 11/22/2008 12:01:44 AM PST by BonRad (As Rome goes so goes the world)
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To: BonRad
Are you saying this is new misconduct?

That even though this case is now filed correctly at the USSC and is set for conference, it will still not be decided on correctly because of how the NJ APPELLATE DIVISION has written it up?

As you can tell I am not a lawyer. So sorry if I misunderstood.

I understand as of now the SC clerk filed it correctly and is set for conference.

But the NJ Appellate Division has mucked up the process so this case will fail as of now because of sabotage?

If this is new info and not corrected as of yet, how can we Freepers help correct this?

445 posted on 11/22/2008 2:54:21 PM PST by Aurorales
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