so you’re are going to do to Ted Nugent, what the left does to us all time.??
I've always believed it was best to know the truth, rather than accept mythes..
Our recent elections should have taught us the lesson of the damage that can result from believing myths and following false heroes.
Americans have gotten into a lot of messes, honoring and believing the wrong folks....
In America, we have plenty of real patriots, real heroes, real leaders --- but unfortunately, they don't perform in front of cameras, play guitar or whore themselves out to the media.
Americans will reap the consequences of their shallow character and unseemly worship of "stars"...
More Americans need to recognize the Liberty and Freedoms they have before they lose them - following myths, not men.
Anyone wanting to see the REAL patriots, the REAL heroes - need to simply visit their nearest Military Cemetery and quietly reflect on what those men fought for and won for us and others....
Nugent had his opportunity - and he "blinked".
He current "persona" -- doesn't and can't change that.
I suspect it troubles him greatly.