Wouldn't that ADD to global warming?
They have the data already. It just does not support their theories. That means keep the experiment going to see if they can somehow get the results that the want to publish (that, coincidently, support global warming).
Also, they need the money to pay their mortgages and buy gas.
It may add to Global warming, and it will certainly destroy the evidence that the CO2 bogey man is a fraud.
Trees release water vapor into the air which is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2.
Wouldn’t that ADD to global warming?
Not if it’s “for the children” or “Saves just one life”.
They have only been “enriching” the CO2 for 14 years, eternity if forever.
I could go on but will spare everyone the groans.
My favorite part of the story.
Yea, can't be doing research that could actually give results that are relevant to the situation.
Someone might actually figure the scam out and spill the beans.
There has been “global warming” for the last several thousand years. Really cold water , AKA ice, covered much of north America in the last ice age and it has been warming pretty much ever since.
Of course, if sun spots don't start popping up on the sun soon we may just get a little taste of what global cooling is all about... With a shorter growing season and less farm-able land we'll see what all the “experts” think about that - and the consequences... And then compare that to all the horror stories about global warming... The truth is without global warming most of us wouldn't be here.
“Wouldn’t that ADD to global warming?”
Yes, these scientists are responsible for the deaths of thousands of polar bears - arrest them
Have scientists ever protested to end long term gravy trains, err experiments?
This has to be the sweetest deal ever. Getting paid to watch trees grow.
Tree rings are great indicators of growing conditions during any one particular year. Why would more than ten years of experimentation be required to determine the effect of elevated CO2. My guess is that it has more to do with car payments than science.
The marxist left and the rino right are so deceived, they actually believe that man created global warming and have been carefully indoctrinated with the false belief that we can create and turn back such things when they are all part of the planets normal funcioning.
Global warming fools make me laugh in their foolishness and have done much to destroy captalism and free enterprise in America.
They are as stupid and arrogant as the left wing marxist dems runnings around and screaming as chicken little saying “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”.
Planet Murderers...
Marijuana growers have been pumping increased amounts of CO2 into pot plants for years. Yeah, it increases the amount of plant material significantly.
The U.S. Department of Energy, however, which is funding the project, has told the scientists to chop down the trees, collect the data and move on to new research. That plan has upset some researchers who now have to find a real job.Gentlemen, there go our phony baloney jobs!
In greenhouses, the rose growers (fresh market cut flowers) have CO2 generators to pump more gas into the confined environment. If it wasn’t having a positive impact, I really do doubt the rose growers would be using the system.
Applied Ag Science 101
I wrote Fox and Friends this morning to report on how much carbon tax Oprah would have to pay for the CO2 emissions from her burning house and yard.
Global warming on Free Republic