...Another recent BNP win....they thrashed Labour in June of this year:...
You are either mistaking the BNP for the Conservative party (which is most certainly isn’t) or confused a third or fourth place finish in a local by election with victory. The victors in actual fact were the Conservative Party.
One shouldn’t confuse Conservatism in the UK with the fascist agenda of the BNP. Just as Hitler and Franco were fascists, not Conservatives. There is a chasm of difference.
I shouldn’t have expressed it as a ‘win’ for the BNP in that instance, my error. They still gave Labour a good thrashing, however, and considering that their performance was wholly unexpected my enthusiasm was to blame for the error.
As to them being ‘fascists’, I am well accustomed to us Republicans here in the USA being called ‘fascists’ and worse by the media and the hard Left (one and the same these days) and so I’m afraid that such descriptors ceased to faze me long ago. Anyone who shows passionate patriotism runs the risk of being thusly described, as evidenced by the shrill hysteria unleashed upon the Minutemen; a group of jovial grandfatherly types sitting on chaise lounges with binoculars and cellphones watching the border...these are ‘racists’ and ‘fascists’ according to the media and the Left. One of my happiest moments here at Free Republic occurred a couple of years ago when someone who was openly and belligerently supporting and singing the praises of the IRA called me a ‘fascist’ for daring to suggest that the FBI might be interested in someone who is openly voicing such passionate support for a terrorist organization in a public forum.
If that’s how the word ‘fascist’ has been redefined these days then count me in, but as far as more traditionally-accepted definitions are concerned do rest assured that I’ll drop my support for the BNP instantly if I ever hear of them actually promoting, in their current platorm, a true fascist agenda, and I’ll wager that everyone else in the UK will as well. In the meantime my hope is that their successes will spur other political parties to become more serious about addressing key issues such as immigration more effectively than they have been. If the Conservatives and other parties were to do so then the BNP would have no reason for existing.
You obviously want to confuse the issue of Britons who stand up for their country... It is like confusing the Democrat/Republican tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum with "conservatism" (whatever the hell that means anymore) in the USA.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox2-Wun2dIg - Welcome to Saudi Britain
Now you tell me what your limp posturing Conservatives in England or your traitors in Labour have done to stop this... Tell me what the Democrats and Republicans have done about illegals in the USA or voter fraud...