How will Obama Use "Stroke of the pen, law of the land?" (Vanity)
Now we know.
Now... here we are with the table set for our new leader. The first course is the Executive Order. Just a light sprinkling of dressing on it. The main course is the Constitution steak, medium rare please with a side of Patriot Act and put a bit of sour cream on HSPD-20. Dessert is of course NSPD-51.
In Bush's days we look back at a man who could be trusted with such power. BDS will seem but an anomalous blip in history.
I don't own enough tinfoil these days, but it is difficult to not read between the great leader's lines. Ideas like mandatory civil service for all, spread the wealth, manufactured crisis, online army, tools, internet propaganda weapons, financial seizure of 401k & ira, gun bans, fairness doctrine, no oil, no coal etc. We're already witnessing people who lose their job for speaking out against our great leader's agenda.
And we haven't marched through the gates of hell yet. We're only standing outside the fence looking into the great abyss being mesmerized by the flames that burn so brightly that we are blinded by it and the swirl of hot magma that calls us to its embrace.
yeah...Ok...I'll stop now...go get another cup of coffee...maybe wake up from this horrible nightmare...we have a new day to start...