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President-Elect Obama, you had a well-run and well-oiled campaign, we wish you will succeed to fix this huge economic mess, and bring positive changes! Millions have great confidence in your ability as somewhat a Messiah.

We believe that if you objectively look at the overall picture, you did not REALLY win. Columnist Charles Krauthammer hit it right on the nail when he wrote, “We have never had a full-fledged financial panic in the middle of a presidential campaign…the economy had suffered nine consecutive months of job losses. Considering the carnage to both capital and labor …, even a Ronald Reagan could not have survived. The fact that John McCain got 46 percent of the electorate when 75 percent said the country was going in the wrong direction is quite remarkable.”

Byron York, of the National Review online, with a similar observation, wrote,” Could any candidate have been elected to succeed a president of his own party whose job approval rating was 25 percent? Probably not.

Could any candidate from the governing party have been elected after the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 4,000 points…? Probably not.

You simply capitalized on these anxieties, taking advantage of the theme of "change."

Many of us frankly feel McCain is the weakest Republican candidate, most of us have major disagreements with him, but we believe you will do major damages to America, our Constitution and the Bill of rights!

You have no REAL MANDATE from the People and certainly no long coattail! Data concludes that voter turnout was the same in percentage terms as it was four years ago. Fact is you garner only 7% more in popular votes! 46% of American voters did not support you! You got only 1.5 million more than Bush.

Your cronies at ACORN delivered 1.2 million new voters for you, according to initial investigations in 15 States, likely half of them are fictitious or dead people! First-time voters, who accounted for 11 percent of the turnout, backed you by 39 points!. We DEPLORE your tactics,” Let’s turn out the vote, dead or Disney’s Mickey Mouse!”

You are lucky to have an unparalleled war chest, much of the donations under $200, to this day, has no source! You are the FIRST President to have won with gobs of foreign money! Essentially you BOUGHT and STOLE this election! Don’t say again,” I didn’t have anything to do with it!” You are the Denier-in-chief!

If you are not so lucky to run in this UNPRECEDENTED economic storm against the weakest, oldest Republican candidate, you would probably have lost! Are you lucky to have the nicest guy as your opponent, who called you,” A decent man whom I just happen to have some disagreements with.” We would have called you,” The most inexperienced, radical, slick and dangerous candidate ever to run for this office!”

You are LUCKY to have hundreds of media lapdogs aiding and abetting you every step of the way! These same people act like watchdogs, when they went to Vietnam and Alaska, digging dirt on Gov. Palin’s family! Polls show most Americans believe most of the mainstream media, heron MSM, want to see you win.

If you are not black, everything else being equal, do you think you would have won? You can stop hollering “racism” now. Whenever a significant question was brought up against you, and you yelled, racism!” or ” I never…I didn’t know…” the media responded , ”Yeah! We can’t investigate.”

And are you lucky to have such a silver tongue! If it’s in the reverse and McCain could talk four times as well as you could, you think you will still have this job? If you had honestly run as a far leftist, you would have lost. You have perfected a way to recast your image and to mesmerize the masses with psychological conditioning techniques!

Your first two appointments concern us already, appointing Rahm Emanuel, to be your chief of staff! He is the REAL PITBULL who will put Palin to shame! We thought “CHANGE” is coming, and he served on Freddie Mac’s board of directors when the scandal was brewing? HELLO? He was the most PARTISAN hatchet man, under Clinton. We admire your smooth talk about bringing bi-partisanship, being a Uniter, rather than a divider. We notice you appointed Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, to be your ECONOMIC adviser, how uninspiring in light of its ailing economy!

We heard rumblings that you plan to appoint former FCC Commissioner, Henry Rivera, as head of FCC transition team. AS a longtime leftist, he would love to do your dirty work of dismantling commercial talk radio, something your Democratic colleagues favor. Knowing you loath talk radios, is this payback time, an indication of your agenda to stifle free speech? Even many of your liberal supporters would not stand for this travesty in the name of “Fairness Doctrine.” Will you harass, even persecute those voices of dissent in your kingdom or Obamanation? We will be watching your ACTION, rather than your WORDS.

To the supporters of President Elect Obama, we understand your frustrations over runaway spending, deficits, diminishing 401k. We are saddened that millions who don’t pay income tax voted for Obama in order to get essentially another welfare check. Many of you know he lacks the experience, judgment, etc. but what bothers us is you don’t SEEM to CARE! That seems short-sighted.

Many of us are not happy with Bush too, but we don’t want someone who , in the long term, will fundamentally change American society and curtail our Bill of Rights! You will have buyer’s remorse, discovering that the product you bought in that attractive package is not the same that you had in mind!

President Elect Obama, we know you have hidden your socialist background, your first run for office on the socialist New Party, being mentored by several known Anti-American leftists, one a known communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who was like a “father” to you, according to your memoir. Had they adequately vetted you, you would not even pass a low level security clearance!

Again SHAME on you, MSM, for intentionally not getting to the bottom of the William Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s leftist connection, the Anti-Israeli content of the LA Times tape on Khalid., Philip Berg’s lawsuit of Obama not having a REAL birth certificate, etc. You all are GUILTY of first degree to the MOST MASSIVE NEWS BLACKOUT!

Journalism died this year! You have lost the remainder of what little that’s left of your credibility! You obvious bias, swooning over candidate Obama makes millions of us SICK! Fact is multitudes of us have stopped watching your shows LONG AGO1 No wonder the Press’ circulation is going to the toilet! You too will some day wake up to what DAMAGES you have ALLOWED in this country. History will go down indicting you of your complicity!

In conclusion, President-Elect Obama, you are the LUCKIEST Presidential candidate in history! Can you explain the unparallel phenomenon, that virtually every Islamic terrorist nation/group, the racist Nation of Islam, and extreme leftists Anti-American groups have been rooting for you and are ecstatic about your victory? Please prove us wrong and keep your promise to be OUR President too!

From 57 Million voters who distrust you

1 posted on 11/07/2008 1:39:08 PM PST by savvyguy
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To: savvyguy

Not only did jounalism die...America was put on life support.

2 posted on 11/07/2008 1:41:09 PM PST by LottieDah (If only those who speak so eloquently on the rights of animals would do so on behalf of the unborn.)
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To: savvyguy

Ummm..., I think we’ve almost got 57 million vanities here, too....

Are all of those 57 million voters posting vanities here????

3 posted on 11/07/2008 1:47:23 PM PST by Star Traveler
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To: savvyguy

Umph ... can we not simply stop this silly postings ... Can’t read it anymore.

I know it’s sad to loose but let’s get over it! We now have 4 years to concentrate on how to win the election 2012 for the GOP. Obama did not only win by a margin but by a landslide. So i guess we did (obviously) something wrong. It’s not Obamas fault to win the election.
We now should better talk about what we did wrong and how we can change the GOP to win in 2012 ! I hate these whiny comments the this bad guy stole the election. I expect good republicans to be straight looking forward.

P.s. I expect everyone who calls himself a patriot to honour and respect the new president elected Barack H. Obama.

4 posted on 11/07/2008 1:55:46 PM PST by buzzer
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To: savvyguy
You have perfected a way to recast your image and to mesmerize the masses with psychological conditioning techniques!

He spoke, and spoke, and spoke, and spoke, and didn't say anything except that 'change was coming'! I hope that those who voted for him are ready for his change....

5 posted on 11/07/2008 1:57:17 PM PST by eeriegeno
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To: savvyguy
So, basically what you're saying is that the Democrats didn't win so much as the Republicans lost.

If this, and if that, and Bush was low in the ratings doesn't matter anymore.

Barak Obama is the President-Elect and we have to deal with it.

6 posted on 11/07/2008 2:03:33 PM PST by Just another Joe (Warning: FReeping can be addictive and helpful to your mental health)
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To: savvyguy
Millions have great confidence in your ability as somewhat a Messiah.

He’s not the Messiah!

7 posted on 11/07/2008 2:03:51 PM PST by lightman (Dies Irae, dies illa)
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To: savvyguy

No offense intended, but:

1) I’m getting tired of vanity posts; and

2) If you really intend for Obama’s toadies to even give that letter to him you need to get 500,000 or more signatures on a letter that is a lot more constructive in tone than the one posted.

9 posted on 11/07/2008 2:05:15 PM PST by Ancesthntr (An ex-citizen of the Frederation dedicated to stopping the Obamination from becoming President)
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To: savvyguy

He and his followers don’t a crap about us. We are nothing more then the host they will seek to drain of all our energy and income to maintain power.

Those of us who do not conform will be executed.

Stop this nonsense of send letters, emails, phone calls.

Does any one understand they hate us ans want to destroy us but not before they subject to every form of how vile they really are.

12 posted on 11/07/2008 2:19:51 PM PST by stockpirate (The RNC needs to purge all RINO's.. Join the BORG - Barack Obama Resistance Group)
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To: savvyguy

This video is my only message to Obama and his supporters, we know who you are, we’re on to you, and you’re going to fail.

13 posted on 11/07/2008 2:22:11 PM PST by word_warrior_bob (You can now see my amazing doggie and new puppy on my homepage!! Come say hello to Jake & Sonny)
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To: savvyguy

Hey everybody- conservatives should be pissed about ACORN voter fraud, illegal campain funds, no birth cert., welfare recipient stacked electorate and GOD knows what else.

They got away with ALL of it. They would be the investigators, judge, and jury of all of the above. There will be no justice.

All we can do is yell cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater! So I don’t mind people groaning.

So how do we win. The old-fashioned way. We become the better option in the background of the abysmal job He and his thugs will do.

When the hypnotism wears off, and the people didn’t get what they want. They will choose differently. Not even a free pack of smokes will keep the ACORN nuts on his side. After all, they ONLY care about themselves.

I guess what they say is true, cheaters never prosper. Believe me this joker and his complicit thugs will not prosper.

15 posted on 11/07/2008 2:32:23 PM PST by USA means Freedom
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