Posted on 11/06/2008 7:13:10 AM PST by AngelesCrestHighway
Rahm Emanuel, who has been chosen by Barack Obama to be the White House chief of staff, is known by colleagues as "Rahmbo" - a nickname reflecting his reputation as one of the most ferociously combative figures in Washington. Mr Emanuel, who received training in ballet as a boy, has shown no lightness of step in his political career: would-be enemies are advised to heed the story of a pollster who wronged him and promptly received a large, decomposing fish in the post. Reflecting on his own foul-mouthed, attack-dog style, Mr Emanuel has said: "I wake up some mornings hating me too." Commentators have suggested that Mr Obama, who ran a lofty campaign based on national unity and bipartisanship, has recognised the need to employ a tough enforcer to push through his policy programme.
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Oh, c’mon.....Hannity is on the PUBLIC airwaves....haven’t you EVER heard of “kill them with kindness?” Let them WONDER about the “niceness.”
That should disqualify him alone for being chief of staff in the WH. More than likely, he holds two passports. Where do his loyalities lie? Why didn't he volunteer for the US military during the Gulf War?
Who can forget his shameless robotic performances during the Lewinsky years?
“The president is putting all this behind him....the president is putting all this behind him....the president is putting all this behind him....”
But but but the WSJ considers him one of the ‘sane’ liberals.
The WSJ can go fly a kite. I didn’t renew my subscription when they began with opinion rather than straight news on the front page.
It’s not very funny when a man (perhaps not even an American citizen) who can’t qualify for any security clearance is privy to highly classified national security info.
Contrary to the implications of this article, he can't be considered an "observant Jew" when he's a an associate in organized crime. And as to his alleged pro-Israel leanings, he will not last very long in BO's White House promoting pro-Israel policies if he were inclined to do so.
Of note.
Why Doesn’t Rahm Emanuel Pay Property Taxes?
Ann Coulter has such a way ..... with words!!
“Indeed, the only good thing about McCain is that he gave us a genuine conservative, Sarah Palin. He’s like one of those insects that lives just long enough to reproduce so that the species can survive. That’s why a lot of us are referring to Sarah as “The One” these days.”
MY FAVORITE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m actually envious. I wish we had somebody like that on our side.
So was Hyman Roth.
He’s a jerk, but I’m not sure his observance is sensible to attack him on.
Also, he gives that no good race hustler Al (Tawana Brawley) $harpton face time. Makes me sick.
Well, heck, I wish Obama the best, also; he’ll have the reins of my country in his hands. God save us!
The Israelis are getting ready to attack us again, just like they did on 9/11!!! [sarc]
Well, at least they won’t have to recruit any more Pollards, Franklins, et. al. They will have a mole in the WH.
Wasn’t he mentioned as spying for Israel during clinton admin?
I seem to recall something about that.
Well, you know those Zionists. Fluoridating the water, subverting America with capitalism and Communism simultaneously, and unleashing the notorious Black Jew Louis Farrakhan to save the world.
Why don't you move to Saudi Arabia? I hear it's nothing but pure unadulterated virtue over there.
LOL. Your non sequiturs are amusing. I don’t want someone who volunteered for the IDF in 1991 to work on a Israeli army base to be in such a critical position as WH COS. He has divided loyalties and will be privy to very sensitive information. It doesn’t matter whether it is Israel or any other country if the circumstances were the same.
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