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Odd Job: Matthews Says His Role Is To Make Obama Presidency a Success
NewsBusters ^
| Mark Finkelstein
Posted on 11/06/2008 6:44:24 AM PST by governsleastgovernsbest
Just in time for the new James Bond movie, Chris Matthews has earned himself a new moniker: Odd Job. Matthews says he sees his job as a journalist as doing everything he can to make the Obama presidency a success. Appearing on Morning Joe today, Matthews was reluctant to critique Rahm Emanuel's kabuki dance over accepting Obama's offer to be chief of staff. The Hardball host was equally unwilling to see the Emanuel episode as evidence of a lack of planning and discipline in the nascent Obama administration. Matthews eventually explained why.[H/t multiple NB readers.]
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Yeah, well, you know what? I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that --
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is that your job? You just talked about being a journalist!
MATTHEWS: Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help this country.
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: barackobamamsm; chrismatthews; rahmemanuel
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To: governsleastgovernsbest
Is there enough god complex to go around?
posted on
11/06/2008 6:57:35 AM PST
(Primary support for McCain and Huck showed complete stupidity)
To: showme_the_Glory
He couldn’t carry Tony’s jock.
To: rightwingextremist1776
My job is to make his employer BROKE....
Economic warfare ping!
To: governsleastgovernsbest
As bad as Hussein is, the MSM is a BIGGER ENEMY.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Just as it was his and his comrades job tomake the Bush presidency a failure.
posted on
11/06/2008 6:58:55 AM PST
(The MSM is to Obama as Ron Santo is to the Cubs)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It is our job to drive the muzzie’s approval rating into the toilet. I vow to oppose him as the left opposed Bush. No quarter. I do not agree with marxism, black liberation theology or mohamed. I am a UMA... unity my a$$!
posted on
11/06/2008 6:58:56 AM PST
(GOD, Country, Family... except when it comes to dims!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Yeah, well, you know what? I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that ... Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help this country. My job is to help the country too, but I do that job ALL the time and not just when my guy wins the election. I already started by ignoring Chrissy Matthews and his lame anti-American show. It's not anyone's job to help the country when a Dem is in office and harm the country when a Republican is in office - unless the "man" is a traitor.
posted on
11/06/2008 6:59:41 AM PST
(Support The Affirmative Action President as enthusiastically as the media supported Bush!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
What an ass. Hey, Chris, I know how you can help Obama the guy who brings the prez and staff coffee-and every morning and get off our TV!
posted on
11/06/2008 6:59:45 AM PST
To: governsleastgovernsbest
‘Odd Job’ seems a little too aggressive. ‘Renfield’,’Igor’ or ‘Gollum’ seem more appropriate. Also considering what happens in James Bond Movies, styling oneself as a minion does not augur well for a future career.
To: Boonie
Chrissy’s operable word has changed from “tingle” to “crackle” this morning. There is no attempt now to mask his bias.
To: Neverforget01
Just don’t spend money on anything if you can help it. John Galt the economy. Let it fall.
posted on
11/06/2008 7:00:42 AM PST
(You won't know obammunism is here until it puts a boot in your (fat) bottom.)
To: listenhillary
I don’t recall, but it must have been when the conventional wisdom was that Hillary Clinton would be the D nominee. The prostitutes have shifted alliances to the dominant john.
posted on
11/06/2008 7:01:38 AM PST
(True Universal Suffrage: Pets of dead illegal-immigrant felons voting Democrat (twice))
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Chrissy, at an early age, prepping for his career as a "journalist" and an Obama administration bootlicker/whitewasher
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It is our job to drive the muzzie’s approval rating into the toilet. I vow to oppose him as the left opposed Bush. No quarter. I do not agree with marxism, black liberation theology or mohamed. I am a UMA... unity my a$$!
posted on
11/06/2008 7:02:29 AM PST
(GOD, Country, Family... except when it comes to dims! I am an UMA-unity my a$$)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
To finish his sentence... "..because if he fails, it will look bad for those of us in the media that supported his candidacy."
"New Journalism" = opinions in a news 'wrapper'.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I saw that too.
Maybe they should rename is show soft ball.
He just lost any credibility he ever had
posted on
11/06/2008 7:03:47 AM PST
("Sola Scriptura,Sola Christus,Sola Gratia,Sola Fide,Soli Deo Gloria)
To: ichabod1
Just dont spend money on anything if you can help it. John Galt the economy. Let it fall.That AND stop all charitable giving. Let Obama take care of those in need. He promised.
To: johnny7
Could you share the HTML code for the slashed O ?
posted on
11/06/2008 7:06:19 AM PST
(Land of the Fee, Home of the Shamed)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Matthews says he sees his job as a journalist as doing everything he can to make the Obama presidency a success. Chrissy, you ignorant whore. Your job is to report the news. All of it, honestly and without spin.
You should find a new job ... maybe rumpswab for Hussein ... because as a journalist, you are an epic fail.
posted on
11/06/2008 7:06:32 AM PST
(Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
posted on
11/06/2008 7:07:21 AM PST
(Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
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