Dear Gov Palin,
Please stay in Alaska. In the post mortem of this election (from the GOP point of view) you and you alone were the reason that Sen McCain did not lose by 20 points. It was only because of you that many conservatives actually came out to vote.
Stay in Alaska. Continue being a fab Gov. Continue being a super fab Mom and Wife. Create a power base there. Start planning your 2012 run now. Realistically here is how you will have to do it.
1. Help the GOP at the national level in 2010 by campaigning and raising cash for Senate and House races. Start this process in January of 2010 and with God’s grace, in Nov 2010, the GOP will add Senate and House seats and you will be credited for it. Also, since you will be campaigning for your re-election, this will blend in with your schedule
2. In Dec of 2010 announce an exploratory committee for a run to the Presidency. Start raising unbelievable amounts of cash.
3. Hire Karl Rove for his expertise on fund raising. Whatever you may feel about him, he is unequalled on the GOP side on fund raising.
4. Get on a permanent campaign mode from January of 2011.
5. Travel to the UK, Iraq, Germany etc and meet with their leaders (even if they are second and thirds in command)
6. Raise nearly 100 million by January of 2012. You will need it to build a phenomenal organization in Iowa, NH, SC and a bunch of other early states.
7. Publish a book with all your Conservative ideas and make sure that it becomes the benchmark of all your speeches
8. Once you win the nomination, go HARD into fund raising and campaigning mode. If you thought that these last 2 months were hectic, you aint seen nothing yet
9. Nominate a Veep early. One of the biggest mistakes Senator McCain made was to wait till just before the convention to nominate you. Big mistake.
10. Go win 2012 and make us proud!
We love you Sarah Palin. You are awesome!
A Palin book sounds like a great idea!
Great post!
Outstanding advice! I hope Sarah’s people in Alaska are reading this.
Excellent post.
What do you suggest she do when her term expires in 2010? Run for re-election and start immediately running for President?
The press would have a field day with that. Bad idea.
Go on as many talking heads shows that she can. She can start by talking about the economic impact of higher green energy prices on U.S. competitiveness and security.
She can also ask the question - what are we going to do with the 120,000,000 gasoline engine cars that we currently have on the roads? Even if we had an electric car tomorrow and a way to generate the power, no way the auto investment can be abandoned without a HUGE economic impact.
No, no, 1000 times NO!
Anyone tied to Dubya or Rove needs to be quarantined. Even "The Architect" was all kissy face about Obama 30 minutes after the election was called.
From here on out, I'm calling him "Turdblossum".
Good plan. You should send it to her.