Personally, I’m going to avoid CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSBC, and even FOX (unless there is a emergency). Advertisers need to be able to connect the news media’s agenda to decreasing advertising revenue before there can be any progress. But first I personally need to “get over” my shock of what I feared the most just happened. Prehaps in a few weeks I might be able to see things a little clearer.
One thing we can do is pick a particular advertiser. Have as many of us contact them and state that because of MSNBC’s extremist biased coverage of the news, and they’re an advertiser, that we will no longer support their products until either a) MSNBC rights the ship and stops trying to make the news instead of reporting it, or b) they stop supporting MSNBC.
Eventually, MSNBC will shrivel and die.
Then, we do that with CNN.
Then ABC News
Or CBS News
Or NBC News.
One at a time, pressure every advertiser of their news shows. We’ll tune in for the amusement one day and see them running ads for Mika’s Pawn Shoppe on the corner of 4th an Main.