Thats gotta be tough to hold an umbrella and text at the same time. LOL
I’ll vote in an hour when the polls open, polling place just down the block, ain’t gonna be a line.
I'm going to tackle an exit poller to report in, so the late risers should be hearing about the sudden McCain surge in D.C. along about breakfast time.
What mobile device do you use?
Well, since you’re there, tell us more. Large or small crowd, and your take on the folks and mood there. Also, remind our democrat friends that Republicans vote today and democrats tomorrow due to the large crowds expected (lol)
I'm sitting here at my computer with no clothes on, marveling at all the vanities that are being posted today.......
Let it rain! The harder and longer the better. Washing all the Socialists from the polling places of Virginia.
I am watching the school (polling site) right across the 6:30 I’ll be walking over to work the sidewalk handing out brochures...etc...only 3 cars there right now...went out to put all my McCain/Palin and local/state signs to the front of the yard and it’s raining...not hard...just a light drizzle...
Going to be there for the open. Taking my voter registration and my passport.
I’m going over around 10am between the busy times. My polling place is usually pretty quiet at that time.
BTTT while modding. ;-)
My husband went to vote at 5:45am, went past two polling places to get to ours in Chesapeake, VA. All three are filled with cars and people lined up around the buildings. Raining outside. He said it looks like a freaking holiday out there, cars everywhere. We’re in McCain country.
If I was standing in line right now I wouldn’t be online. I’ll be leaving in a few minutes to be at the polls when they open at 6 AM. That’s Kansas’ starting time. McCain - Roberts - Jordan - Howe - Vratil - No on electing judges - No on taxes for the health triangle boondoggle. And if we had light rail on the ballot here I’d vote against that, too.
Powder..patch..ball FIRE!
Headed to the polls in about 15 minutes since they open at 6am here in Missouri.
Wearing red shirt.
We are leaving right now to get to the polls.
Go McCain/Palin!
I’ll be voting after work.
Just voted in NJ. Unusually long line at 6 am for my small town.
Not in line yet, but I’m on the west coast and polls don’t open for another 3.5 hours. However, I am going right when they open. I don’t care how long of a line I have to stand in! It’s raining and FREEZING cold here, but the sacrifice will be worth it! I’m expecting a pretty big line only because a lot of people will be trying to get their vote in before they go to work. I would’ve waited until later but my only transportation is with my dh and he has to go to work, so I will join him at the early polls. It will feel GOOD to have my vote DONE AND COUNTED EARLY!
I just can’t sleep tonight. It’s AWFUL! I got off work at midnight and tried to lay down and maybe I caught an hour of sleep, but now I can’t sleep for nothing! I guess I’m anxious for NEVADA to get the vote on!
I live in a small rural neighborhood Atlantic County, NJ).The parking lot had about 20 cars. Hard to tell from the faces any indication of how people were voting.
Most are folks that are voting before going into work.