Well, Well, well, on it goes!
Obama is absolutely incapable of telling the truth.
“Somebody” told her to keep her mouth shut until after Nov. 4.
...maybe the Maytag repairman?
Of course, Deval Patrick!!!
I scratch your back, you scratch mine!
See you in the white house Deval (thanks for the favor)
Of course, Deval Patrick!!!
I scratch your back, you scratch mine!
See you in the white house Deval (thanks for the favor)
Ummmm, you forgot a few things....
He’s a lying, crooked, empty suited, Soros backed Manchurian candidate, Middle American hating, Socialist, cut and run, share the wealth(you ready to do that?), can’t question his background, can’t question his association with some domestic terrorist, can’t question his working for Acorn, can’t question anything about him or it’s considered racist, sat in a church that spewed hate for twenty years and says he wasn’t there when it happened, Shady property deals in Chicago, won’t turn over his birth certificate, won’t release his two hundred and under bundle donations, when he is finally pinned down he say’s that’s not the _____ ( fill in the blank) that I used to know, propped up by the adoring media that Goebbels would be proud of, gun grabbin’ , egotistical, narcissistic, go ahead and stick scissors in babies heads at late term, oh and if late term babies happen to be born alive, stick them in a dirty linen closet until