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1 posted on 11/02/2008 5:36:27 AM PST by libstripper
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To: libstripper

Did Obama’s Children Touch the Rings of Death? [Scalding FReeper Rant]

[Have you heard about the rings Ayers and his wife have? It’s downright diabolical.]

2 posted on 11/02/2008 5:38:24 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March (We can win the economic meltdown debate:
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To: libstripper

I heard Wright was shipped out of the country again until after the election

3 posted on 11/02/2008 5:39:31 AM PST by nuconvert (Obama - Preferred by 4 out of 5 Dictators & Terrorists// Khomeini promised change too)
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To: libstripper

They are hiding out until after the election, duh, “silence” is dramatic, they have “silenced” themselves.

5 posted on 11/02/2008 5:43:50 AM PST by yldstrk (My heros have always been cowboys--Reagan and Bush)
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To: libstripper
Obama's mentor on politics and patriotism, the communist and terrorist Bill Ayers.

6 posted on 11/02/2008 5:44:51 AM PST by Travis McGee (--- ---)
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To: libstripper

Rev Wright is busy overseeing the construction of his fancy house on the golf course.

Both will find their voices on Wednesday after the election is safely over.

7 posted on 11/02/2008 5:45:32 AM PST by tips up
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To: libstripper

I read somewhere yesterday Bill Ayers had a reporter approach his house and was ordered off his property.

8 posted on 11/02/2008 5:46:02 AM PST by NoControllingLegalAuthority
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To: libstripper
1. On Feb19, 2008, Chris Matthew of Hardball interviewed Obama supportor, Senator Kirk Watson, and asked twice,” Can you name one accomplishment of Sen. Obama in the US senate?” He could not name even one!  Less experience than GOVERNOR Palin (who is also Commander in Chief of the Alaskan National Guard).  Like it or not, America is the last standing "SuperPower" and with Obama's finger on the Nuclear trigger that is a scary, frightening thought.  Obama's own admitted experience is as an ACORN COMMUNITY ORGANIZER!  In other words, HE HAS BEEN DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH THE GROUP THAT IS WIDELY KNOWN TO BE REGULARLY COMMITTING VOTE FRAUD ACROSS THE COUNTRY!  Not only that, NO ONE HAS DENIED THAT THE OBAMA CAMP HAS "DONATED" OVER $800,000 to a VOTE FRAUD ORGANIZATION!

What did you NEVER hear reported by the Obama media?  The original "bailout" program by the Democrats in Congress was fought against by Republicans BECAUSE IT CONTAINED A PROVISION TO PROVIDE BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO ACORN!  THE VOTE FRAUD ORGANIZATION THAT DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS SUPPORT!

2.  Obama was the second largest recipient of campaign contributions (and all of the top 3 were Democrats) for the mortgage finance companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused the financial mess.  And the DEMOCRATS blocked the financial reforms that the Republicans tried to get passed Funny how there has been a media BLACKOUT (except Fox News) on how the DEMOCRATS CAUSED THE MORTGAGE PROBLEM THAT DESTROYED HOME VALUES AND DESTROYED 401(K) retirement portfolios! [FN1]

3.  Democrats NEVER really cut taxes, even when they "spread the wealth around."  Clinton promised to cut middle class taxes in 1992, but that never happened and the media never questioned or challenged it.  Does anyone really believe that Democrats will ever really reduce taxes?  You can't really be that naive.  Even if Obama were telling the truth and had every intention of cutting taxes, the President can not write legislation and from a Democrat Congress that has ALREADY PROMISED TO RAISE TAXES what kind of bills do you think a President Obama would be given to sign?  Stop believing the lies.  That's all they are is lies, and why is it that everyone keeps forgetting that the political party that always "promises" to help is always the one looking to take everything they can. [FN2]  I was SHOCKED to hear Barak's own words, NOT REPORTED IN THE MEDIA but caught on YouTube, where he admitted in San Franscisco that he was going to INTENTIONALLY BANKRUPTS THE COAL INDUSTRY IN AMERICA!  An industry that provide almost 50% of America's electrical power.  This is pure INSANITY!

4.  Google shows some very scary connections to Obama and what the "Main Stream" media is trying to hide.  What friends do you have?  Do you make friends and associations with people who hate what you believe in, and who regularly attack and try to undermine your family and everything you find important?  Of course not, the friends you have are the people that you at least have some kind of common ground with.  Even if you don't agree with them on everything.  Your friends, good or bad, are a reflection of who you are.  And Obama is no different.  How about taking a few minutes and doing a Google search for "Obama's Communist Friends"?  You might be shocked to find that it is well documented who Obama really is thorugh his friends.  [FN3]  The scary thing is that THERE IS VIDEO OF OBAMA CAMPAIGNING, USING TAXPAYER MONEY, FOR HIS COMMUNIST COUSIN IN KENYA, RAILA ODINGA, WHO THEN ENGAGED IN MASS MURDER AND SLAUGHTER AFTER HE NARROWLY LOST THE ELECTION!   More information on Fox News reporting the truth:  This may be one of the most frightening admissions by Obama that the media isn't reporting, he wants a special "civilian national security" force in America, better funded and organized than our own military.  This should scare everyone in America.  This sounds like Fascism and totalitarianism.

Want something even scarier that the "main stream" outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are covering up?  Obama ORIGINALLY RAN FOR STATE SENATOR IN ILLINOIS IN 1996 IN THE "NEW PARTY" WHICH WAS THE NAME FOR THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA...  The "Weatherman Underground," which Obama long-time friend and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers has a claim to fame, split from the "New Party" some time later.  Just Google, “Obama and New Party,” see for yourself.  And the Socialists favorite slogan?  "Change!"  See the scary list of terrorists and socialists that support "Obama's" platform for "change".

5.  Obama wants to make the 12 - 20 million illegals in America citizens ASAP and then add health care.  He wants OUR TAXES AND JOBS TO PAY FOR IT ALL!  Obama's own AUNT IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been ordered out of the country and LIVING ON WELFARE IN THE U.S.  However, Obama PRETENDS that he didn't know his own Aunt was living in the U.S. illegally??? How much more of an economic disaster can he and his socialist democrat counterparts do?

6.  US Weekly, a reasonable weekly magazine just released an article where they review "Barak Obama" and it is clear that they are scared.  Their eyes were finally opened when the followed him on the campaign trail in South Carolina.  They saw his race-baiting, white hating rants and insanity for the first time.  They saw all of "Jeremiah Wright" and the "I Hate Amerca" side of Barak Hussein Obama come through that he has so completely lied to the public about and they have documented it.  Now, they have also loaded their magazine with a LOT more information that shows you just how completely perverse and sick the "main stream" media outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN have become in trying to hide the real man who presents the biggest risk to America and the world since the Civil War.  Read it for yourself on their front page.

Forward this to 50 people to pass on to 50 people!

[FN1] ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess.  National Review.; 2004 Video: Democrats Defend Fannie/Freddie from Regulation: "We've been through nearly a dozen hearings where frankly we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Mr. Chairman we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac and in particular at Fannie Mae under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines."-Rep. Maxine Waters, 2004.; History of Fannie Mae scandal. Associated Press, December 7, 2006. "Fannie Mae announces its long-awaited restatement, erasing $6.3 billion in profit from 2001 through June 30, 2004."

[FN2] Economic Consequences of an Obama Presidency and the Liberal Tax and Spend Congress.  Full-scale National and International Economic Meltdown, a Global Depression.

[FN3] Accuracy in Media Report - How the Main Stream Media Intentionally Hides Obama's Communist Background. ; 100's of pages of EASILY VERIFIABLE documented PROOF of Obama direct ties to Communism which there is a total news blackout on EXCEPT with Fox News.

The Media Research Center has created a small series of examples on how the "Main Stream" media is working with Democrats and Obama to intentionally mislead and deceiving America.  EVEN TRUE DEMOCRATS DON'T REALIZE WHAT IT IS THEY ARE GETTING AND VOTING FOR!  AND THE MEDIA IS MAKING SURE THEY DON'T FIND OUT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!
Still not convinced? Review this online PowerPoint presentation.

9 posted on 11/02/2008 5:46:56 AM PST by woodb01 (ANTI-DNC Web Portal at --->
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To: libstripper

At one point Wright said he will write a book to be released before the election.
But a few days later he denied it. No book no more.
I guess Obama bought his silence.

10 posted on 11/02/2008 5:47:51 AM PST by syl799
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To: libstripper

I will be convinced that if Obama is elected that the USA will officially be on a death wish. But then again, isn’t that what the Democrats want in the first place, the death of the united states of america?

11 posted on 11/02/2008 5:47:53 AM PST by MAD-AS-HELL (How does one win over terrorists? KILL them with UNKINDNESS)
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To: libstripper

You don’t see ANYONE associated with Obama, family, friends, no one!

12 posted on 11/02/2008 5:51:52 AM PST by fortheDeclaration (O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord-(Jer.22:29))
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To: libstripper

It’s the MSM black hole. No light is allowed to escape except for the Shining Holy Radiance of The One.

13 posted on 11/02/2008 5:53:57 AM PST by RepublitarianRoger2
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To: libstripper
If, as Obambi claims, Ayers was just some guy who happened to live in his neighborhood, and if, as Obambi claims, he was never present when Wright went off on his racist tirades, then why aren't they being interviewed? Why doesn't Katie Couric sit down to talk to Ayers to let him “set the record straight”? Why don't they invite Wright onto the Today Show so he can be clear that Obambi knew nothing about his radical beliefs?

Why is no one, other than FOX News, interested in interviewing these guys? And why doesn't Ayers seek out the press? If he doesn't trust FOX, then he could call MSNBC and go on there and speak. But he doesn't. And MSNBC doesn't seem interested in talking to him. Why not? According to all the lefties, either Wright & Ayers are being smeared by being falsely accused of extremism, or Obambi is being falsely smeared by being tied to them. Wouldn't a thorough “investigative report” clear things up?

The reason for the blackout is obvious. Wright is indeed a racist, anti-American, white-hating, Jew-hating, vile thug. Ayers is indeed an unrepentant terrorist who hates America, hates freedom, and who wants to install a Marxist despotism here with a few “idealists” such as himself and obambi on top, living in luxury, while the masses live “equally” in poverty and subservience. And Obambi did indeed sit for twenty years and listen to Wright's hateful diatribes and agree with them. And he does indeed approve of Ayers’ endorsement of Communism, and he at best doesn't care that Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist, a sympathizer with assassin Sirhan Sirhan, an advocate of murder as a political tool, and a man who has proudly stomped on an American flag.

Now, granted, Obambi’s too slick and politically astute to ever, ever do any of those things himself. But it doesn't really bother him if other people do. He'd be freaking out if someone tried to bomb an abortion mill and calling for the death penalty. But if they try to bomb a police station or a U.S. military barracks, well, they're just using the wrong tactics to achieve an otherwise worthy cause. Maybe they should use less abrasive means of undermining America, but they were on the right track. They didn't really do anything all that bad and there's no reason to shun them or not work with them in bringing about the desired “change” through the less violent means of subversion and brainwashing.

14 posted on 11/02/2008 6:03:26 AM PST by puroresu (Enjoy ASIAN CINEMA? See my Freeper page for recommendations (updated!).)
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To: libstripper

There was a report last weekend *somewhere* in which a reporter sneaked into a talk Ayers gave in New York City. There were pictures of Ayers walking on the street. I’m sorry that I cannot recall where I saw it online, though. Ayers looked annoyed at having his picture taken.

15 posted on 11/02/2008 6:05:53 AM PST by Technical Editor
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To: libstripper

The media are going to make Ayers and Wright invisible while they dig into Sarah Palin’s and Joe the Plumber’s background to find some lie that someone invented.

21 posted on 11/02/2008 6:45:56 AM PST by Leftism is Mentally Deranged (liberalism = serious mental deficiency)
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To: libstripper

The MSM has dutifully avoided contact with anyone, any story or any video that could be ‘uncomfortable’ for the Messiah.

In Kenya, they have made it illegal to talk to his grandmother.

In Hawaii, they have cooked up a new birth certificate and locked grandma away in seclusion.

The Beast has powerful friends.
The Great Deceiver has arrived.

22 posted on 11/02/2008 7:14:09 AM PST by Bon mots
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To: libstripper
Have Has Bill Ayers ... been silenced?
I'm shuttin' up :-)

(This commie maggot is living off my tax dollars.)

23 posted on 11/02/2008 8:21:06 AM PST by Condor51 (The only difference between Bill Ayers and Timothy McVeigh is the body count!)
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