This begs the question if the school would’ve similarly reacted had anyone dressed as Obama The Messiah?
Lucky for him he didn’t put a turban shaped like a bomb on his head and go as Mo-Hammed!
Some bearded freakshow would have issued a fat-wahhhh! and the boy’d be history!
If he’d dressed as a terrorist or “tortured” prisoner, he’d have been praised for his creativity and “open mind”.
As a Christian I am offended by Halloween. Every time I see a witch and think of all the animals, babies, and others that are sacrificed in gruesome ways on the devil’s alter on this unholy day it makes me want to cry. If people would realize that all that stuff isn’t just innocent fun they would not participate.
He shudda dressed like the Other Messiah
She overreacted.
And this is definitely another reason to homeschool. Do not expose your children to this nuttiness.
This principal just taught all the children in the school that Christianity is sooooo shameful that it must be hidden like some sort of bathroom activity. This isn't a religiously neutral lesson!
The madam is an idiot.....
“It was offensive to some students,” Woinski said
Nice bit of political correctness conditioning for the kiddies.....
Speaking of witch costumes, last year (IIRC) a school did send home a “witch” on complaints...and of course the witch’s lunatic Leftard mother was on hand to gripe.
The real problem here is the PC indoctrination.
I think that c**t of a principal meant to say:
“Children were [asking], who is the man they call Jesus Christ?” she said. “Jesus Christ is disruptive to our re-education/indoctrination process.”
If he would have dressed as the Grim Reaper or the Devil he would have won a prize... sad, but true.
My son’s public school has “fall festival” every year. It’s put on by the PTA. I noticed one year that the list of events included “Fortune telling”. I went over and watched, and they had a woman with a crystal ball who would tell the kids things like “you will get an A in PE this year.”
I wrote the principal an email explaining the relation of fortune telling and Halloween to the occult and told her that I was sure that if the local Baptist church wanted to have a pastor sit there and tell the kids what God’s will for their lives was for the next year, that would not be allowed. I asked her to please refrain from including the fortune telling in the future.
Her reply was that they were not doing anything that was against district policy and so they would continue to have the fortune telling. Pathetic.
There was a guy dressed as Jesus at San Diego’s Comic Con this year. It was a fantastic costume and he looked like he walked straight out of Greatest Story Ever Told - what a shock to see him in that huge room full of sci fi costumes, though!
Principal -Mrs. Joan Kelly Broe
201-261-7800 x8202 ,
He isn't dressed like Jesus, he's dressed up like Robert Powell.
If he had said, “no sir, I’m not dressed as Jesus, I’m dressed as Charles Manson”, he could have avoided this whole unpleasantness. (sarc)
Offensive to some students? How ridiculous. They are kids and I doubt seriously they know what the word means.