But then he read a comment to the post about a former(?) Obama worker who wrote about how there are "boiler rooms" of Obamatrons typing away on every Right board/blog/YouTube they can find to discourage us.
If you've ever owned a stock and followed it on a bulletin board then you know there are paid trolls to talk down the stock--bring up litigations, bad press releases, any negative thing they can find, etc., to either profit by shorting the stock or to get holders to sell to pick up the stock at a lower price.
By the commenter's words Rush mentioned it looks like the same thing is going on.
It's a tactic that's SOOOOOOO Obama-esque. They're paid by an evil master.
Please forgive the vanity.
Think they have many trolls on these message boards as well.
Yes there are hundred of Obamatrons he pays to blog all day long. Imagine if he is elected, then he would employ even more to spread his Nazi propaganda
I was on a transit stop in Chicago O’Hare yesterday and was using Boingo hotspot.
I couldnt log on to National Review, Free Republic, Michelle Malkin and hotair. But Daily Kos and DU came up right away.
Interestingly enough, even Drudgereport did not come up and said “data being transferred.”
Thought this was extremely strange though Rush’s site came up fine.
First with the heel and then with the toe,
then you jump down, turn around, dance Jim Crow!
No different than China.
When you see a thread or a post here at FR that seems fishy, negative or even “too good to be true”, take a look at the “born on” date of the poster.
St. Louis Conservative, FloridaGOPvoter, DeamonDeac, bmweezer, ubaldus, mary mary, Sibre Fan, o2bfree; indianyogi, rabscuttle385, robert david, DrHannibalLecter, LowTaxesEqualProsperity; uscabjd, teethodore, dools007, BillyM; Longstreet63, ScottinVA, ImJason, Don Blake, mathwhizz, zaker99, PaRep, techno, UpstateNYConservative, ottovbvs, DocT111, nobamanada, tomymind, brandon craig, phillipgandor, prolifefirst ExiledChicagoan, italyconservative, I_hate_politicians, mister chicago, mquinn, MountainLoop, TheFourthMagi, FloridaBattleGround , Euker, LoveMyFreedom, parksstp, dougmelcher, 09Patriot, lovemmcain21, NYC_BULLMOOSE, WilliamReading, somethinggate, JoseScales, buckleyconservative, jabobny, bfh333; libertarian9, wac3rd, Infidel Puppy, texmexis best, HammerOfTheDogs, Caper29, GoSarah, CaribouCrossing pingman, Unlikely Hero, jsdjason, NationalConservative, dollhouse
I couldn't read Hillbuzz because the it's blocked on my computer here, but I heard Rush talk about it.
If B. Hussein's goal was to dispirit us, he utterly failed. Instead, I think he's pi$$ed off the Conservative base enough that they're going to come out in droves. In contrast, there's enough people leery of what B. Hussein might do when he's in office that they might not vote, or vote Palin when they get in the voting booth. With 130,000,000 people voting in an election, I think polls are a vague gauge at best, utter BS at worst.
I've always believed that B. Hussein Obama has to be at least 10 points ahead the Monday before the election for him to win. All credible polls are within the margin of error. I predict that, as of November 5, "The Bradley Effect" and "The Wilder Effect" will be combined to become "The Obama Effect".
The Moby Dicks are back.
Punk the prez? - Moby’s anti-Bush tricks (Beware of the Moby Dicks)
New York Daily News ^ | 2/09/04 | Rush & Molloy
One of Sen. John Kerry’s celebrity supporters is ready to pull out all the stops to get him elected. Republicans are shrieking over a suggestion by rocker Moby that Democrats spread gossip about President Bush on the Internet. “No one’s talking about how to keep the other side home on Election Day,” Moby tells us. “It’s a lot easier than you think and it doesn’t cost that much. This election can be won by 200,000 votes.”
Moby suggests that it’s possible to seed doubt among Bush’s far-right supporters on the Web.
“You target his natural constituencies,” says the Grammy-nominated techno-wizard. “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.
“Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”
Moby didn’t claim that he believed the abortion story...
They’ve been busy on a couple of boards I frequent. They are so easy to spot too because they spew the same talking point OVER and OVER. It’s more noticeable when the polls get close.
we have had a NUMBER of fake PUMA super secret internal poll thread trolls.
we have had a few intersting trolls who are crying about their relatives (and misc other species too eh Mr. Tumnus?)
Sara P, the alleged campaign media worker for the Obama camp, was implying they have manipulated polls and trolled websites to feed wrong information.
Poedesta founded his media center to do just this type of trolling but the question is whether it is really THAT MUCH.
consider hos the early exit polls in FL, per AP, are supposedly giving mccain a 5 point lead. (hmmm no wonder the republican gov extended voting hours)
what I am saying in this rambling post is BEWARE.
Rules for Radicals is in full effect.
Not only on message boards via trolls. Take a look at ABCCBSNBCCNNNYTimesLATimes, etc. It’s called hiding in plain sight and they’ve done it for years.
They’re here on FR everyday. When someone makes a comment I don’t agree with I check their sign up date and most of them are recent sign ups.
IGNORE polls, messages etc. - just VOTE!
But for some reason, this little piece last night intrigued me so I started reading the comments, and I got down to this one.
Comment 25: Sarah P. writing to the Hill Buzz website responding to their story of how really well McCain is doing with angry Democrats, and the media is not covering. "Okay, I want to clear my conscience a little. Hopefully you could make a blog post to help some fellow Clinton supporters out. I worked for the campaign--" Obama, "--and I can't wait for this week to be over. I was doing it for a job. I was not a fan of any candidate, but over time I grew to love Hillary. The internal campaign idea, Obama campaign, is to twist, distort, humiliate, and finally dispirit you. We pay people and organize people to go on all the online sites and play the part of a Clinton or McCain supporter who just switched our support for Obama. We do this to stifle your motivation, to destroy your confidence. We did this the whole primary, and it worked. Sprinkle in mass vote confusion becomes bewildering, most people lose patience, they just give up on their support of a candidate and decide just to block out TV, news, websites, et cetera.
"This surprisingly has had a huge suppressing movement in vote turnout issues. Next, we infiltrate all the blogs, and all the YouTube videos, and we overwhelm the voting, the comments, all to continue the appearance of overwhelming world support for Obama. People make posts to the effect that the world has gone mad. That's the intention, to make you feel stressed and crazy and feel like the world is ending. We have also had quite a hand in skewing many, many polls." I don't know how they've done that. She doesn't describe how they've skewed the polls. "Some we couldn't control as much as we would have liked, but many we have spoiled, just enough to make Real Clear Politics look scary to a McCain supporter. It's worked, although the goal was to appear 13 to 15 points ahead. You see, the results have been working. People tend to support a winner. Go with the flow, become sheeple. The polls are roughly three to five points in favor of Barack. That's due to our inflation of the polls and pulling in the sheeple. Our donors are the same people who finance the mainstream media. Their interests are tied. Barack then tends to come across as Teflon, nothing sticks, and trust me, there were meetings with Fox News, the goal was to blunt them as much as possible. Watch O'Reilly, he's become much more diplomatic and fair and balanced and soft towards Obama. It's because he wants to retain the number one spot on cable news and have access to the Obama campaign.
"Now all the media want access, and they're expecting more, and that's why nothing sticks to Obama. The operation is massive, the goal is to paint a picture that is that of a winner, regardless the results. There is no true inauguration draft or true Grant Park construction going on. There will be a party, but we're boasting beyond the truth to make it seem like the election is wrapped up. Our goal is to continue to make you lose your morale. We worked hard at persuasion and paying off and timing and playing the right political numbers to get key Republican endorsements to make it seem even more like it was over and the world was coming to an end for you all. There's a huge staff of people working around the clock watching every site, every blog, we flood these sites, we have had a goal to overwhelm. The truth is here. I could go on and on, but you got the picture. I'm saying this because I know Hillary was better for the country, and I now realize this. I was too late by the time I connected to her.
"To me, Barack was just a cool young dude that seemed like a star. I didn't know him or his policies but now I understand more than I care to, and I realize his interests are more for him and the DNC and all working like puppets with Dean. I always thought a president wanted the better good for the country. The end result I see is everybody dependent on the government. This means more and more people voting for the DNC. This means the future is forever altered. I don't see this as America. So I'm now supporting McCain. Sarah Palin's a huge threat. Our campaign has feared her like you cannot imagine. If it seems unfair how she's been treated, well, it's because she has had a team working around the clock to make her look like a fool," meaning the Obama camp has had a team. "This is a big conspiracy. I'm so shocked. We released a little blurb the other day that Obama campaign was already working on reelection and now putting our efforts toward 2012. This was to make it seem like it was above us to continue caring about 2008. Trust me, it's alive. David Axelrod, Plouffe, very smart, but it's a sticky, ugly, not very truthful kind of intelligence. It's not over yet but I think the machine is working. It's a hill to climb. I'll be quitting my post on November 5th. My vote will be for John McCain. Fortunately, my position has been a marketing position. I don't feel I had any part of anything I'd feel guilty for, but I look forward to getting out of this as the negativity and environment upset me. PS, my name is not really Sarah but I am a female and I understand your plight."
Between now and tuesday I am not posting on any thread about elections, I think there are trolls that have found a way to hijack user names, especially ones that are dormant and joined a long time ago, its because I see lately some posters that have join dates of over 5 years ago but are posting comments that seem to be to the effect to disrupt pro McCain efforts. maybe they are honest posters but other people have commented about them being trolls as well.
So does the Reynolds Wrap shiny side go in or out on my head?
The Obama Bandwagon is built on the chassis of a 1946 Henway.
Not surprising at all. And no, I’m not a troll! ;)
Alinsky, Alinsky, Alinsky.
Makes Nixon dirty tricks look like kindergarten stuff.
...and there is nothing an Alinskyite wouldn’t do, because to them the only “morality” or “ethics” is winning.