I'm beginning to think Obama has jumped the shark.
How many times in a day does one have to listen to him on the radio, news reports, campaign commercials, newspapers. There is a point where people just shut it out and no longer pay attention.
At that point Obama becomes irrelevant to all except the Obama zombies.
I agree. And once someone has jumped the shark, there’s a real fine line before you come to a point where you can’t stand to even think of them. He may indeed be pushing his luck.
His numbers are tanking. We know that.
What we don’t know is why a guy who is supposedly winning by ten points, thinks he must buy up this much time for a last ditch (some would call it desperate) seal the deal moment.
I think Obama is in serious trouble. We’re six days before the election and even the propagandists can’t continue to portray him way ahead. My prediction that McCain will be called the winner by 10pm PST may come true.
At that point Obama becomes irrelevant to all except the Obama zombies.Yep, I think Obama fatigue is setting in. Two of my neighbors stopped putting out their Obama yard signs (one a city bureaucrat, the other a teacher). I'm sure they weren't stollen because other yard signs on the same street are still up 24/7 and their no on 8 signs are still there. Proposition 8 is to define marriage by state constitution. "No on 8" is the companion yard sign to Obama signs so you can guess what a "no on 8" vote would be.
BTW, has anyone else noticed there are Obama yard signs without Biden's name, and the ones with his name, "Biden" is almost illegible