trick or treat
Was it Pat that coined the phrase "Pheasants with Pitchforks" in his 92' run?
Should also mention a new Komsomol, to brain wash young people with socialist doctrine.
Don’t forget all the gang-bangers that will be let out of jail and onto our streets because they were victims of “racial profiling.”
The sell-off in the stock market will be massive on Nov. 5 if BO wins. No one will want to sell after his capital gains taxes go into effect. If there is any kind of a dead-cat bounce this week, sell into the rally. The man is a Marxist and will follow the splendid examples of Castro and Chavez in making everyone equally poor.
Nonsense! When Obama and the Democrats allow the 2003 tax cuts to expire, the entire federal income tax rates go back up to the higher tax rates of the year 2000. This will raise taxes on low income, middle income, and high income! Everyone's take home pay will decrease once the 2003 tax cuts expire.
How about criminalizing homeschooling? I can’t imagine he’s going to allow that to continue. Children might learn something he hasn’t approved, and could escape whatever brainwashing he has planned for them.
Alaskan Independence Movement anyone,....?????
The results of affirmative action can be seen, and has been seen, throughout the fed. Much of the reason why the bureaucracy moves at such a snails pace. The fed unions protect the lazy, incompetent and violent.
Buchanan left-out Obama’s ugly disposition and hatred of whites. He has hid his scowl and sneer well during the campaign but it slips-out sometimes. He is a racist hate-monger who, once in office, will be off his leash. There will be a “cold civil war” between the real US and the Obama hate-mongers. We live in interesting times. Americans are most determined and centered when pushed into a corner. An Obama election will reenergize the right like nothing since FDR.
Get a load of this!!
Lost in the Buchanan article is the coming capitulation to terrorism and terrorists states, and the dismantling of our military. Perhaps Buchanan agrees with him on those counts?
From what I glean from his writings, rantings and recordings, BHO is definitely a Marxist leaning Socialist. To pretend that they are outraged by the charges from the Right and McCain campaign which they call desperation tactics, there is no doubt that an Obama administration, coupled with a Democratically controlled Super Majority congress, there is no end to the Socialists policies that will be unleashed in 2009. Mark my word, this will indeed be the beginning of the new United States Socialist Republic. Little did we know that when the USSR folded that we would eventually take their place in history. I just hope and pray that our socialism doesnt last 75 years like theirs did.
Yet another anti-Obama, pro-McCain column from Buchanan. And, yet again, silence from the Buchanan-haters who have been slandering Pat in this forum on a regular basis for years.
If the Democrats pick up seats in Congress I expect an immediate “assault weapons ban” that will include ten times the number fo firearms in the banned list than the 1994 list. Ammunition and parts will be included as well. We’ll see the BATFE get triple funding. It will be an all out assault on firearms.