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I was in line at Blockbuster tonight. Two young ladies in front of me noticed some magazines with Obama's picture on the cover (Rolling Stone and The Source).

"Wow", one said, "I can't believe they put Obama's picture on Rolling Stone".

"Your kidding", I said. "They guy is on the cover of every freaking magazine there is."

"Yeah", said the Blockbuster clerk. "It's, like, weird. I see his picture so much that I practically see him in my sleep".

"Creepy, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah", said the girl. "When did they start putting political guys on music magazines?"

This happened in Long Beach, CA. I'm sure that the swing states that Obama is saturating with his message are getting a little burnt out on him, too.

1 posted on 10/25/2008 11:23:17 PM PDT by Retired Greyhound
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To: Retired Greyhound

Obama thinks there is a major race undercurrent in this election and he is counting on class warfare too.

I think he has overplayed his hand.

People are so onto this owning the media stuff, Its going to backfire.

Its really wearing thin.

2 posted on 10/25/2008 11:26:02 PM PDT by mylife (The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
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To: Retired Greyhound
Omen 3 is on spike tv right now.

3 posted on 10/25/2008 11:28:10 PM PDT by ari-freedom (Obama: If we are going into war, then all of us go, not just some.)
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To: Retired Greyhound
And the pull appears to be rather strong.

Indeed it is! Can't you feel it? I do. I think the analogy of the Juggernaut is apropos.

4 posted on 10/25/2008 11:44:21 PM PDT by dr_lew
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To: Retired Greyhound
The "change" he peddles is not new. We've seen it before. It is change that diminishes individual liberty for the soft authoritarianism of socialism. It is a populist appeal that disguises government mandated wealth redistribution as tax cuts for the middle class...and exploits human imperfection as a justification for a massive expansion of centralized government. Obama's appeal to the middle class is an appeal to the "the proletariat," as an infamous philosopher once described it, about which a mythology has been created.

Outstanding point. By simply chainging "working class" to "middle class" Obama has made blatent Marxism acceptable to large numbers of Americans. Combined with his use of the legal system to attempt to squash opponents, and his use of radical bullies like ACORN, he reminds me of an American Hugo Chavez. If the Dems are successful in their agenda of outlawing firearms, packing the courts with left wing acrivist judges, abolishing talk radio, and now replacing Americans' private retirement funds with a government run "defined benefit" plan, it will be a very long, dark night in our history.

5 posted on 10/25/2008 11:50:32 PM PDT by Hugin (Mecca delenda est!)
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To: Retired Greyhound

We have seen so many ads here in NM - we watched 2 episodes of House tonight and saw the Zero ad where he compares him to Bush 6 times! We were sickened by it.

6 posted on 10/25/2008 11:56:03 PM PDT by leapfrog0202
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To: Retired Greyhound

I’m surrounded by The Lamb of Chicago followers at work. It annoying and creepy. They utterly will not listen or accept any criticism of the Holy One of Cook County. Its gonna be a “fun” 4 years.

7 posted on 10/25/2008 11:56:39 PM PDT by kb2614 (Hell hath no fury than a bureaucrat scorned)
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To: Retired Greyhound

One thing about celebrities they come and they go just as quick. To base one’s whole view of someone’s genius, someone’s clever — nay brilliant — use of the word “Hope & Change” is not quite like listening to the Beatles or John Lennon’s “Imagine”... Barrack can’t copywrite the words Hope or Change as his personal gift of unmitiagting brilliance to the American people. The Stratosphere does not illuminate itself simply because Barrak used those words. So... The upshot is that his star will not be able to sustain itself and will plummet to earth like Darth Vader’s Death Star. Yes, there is nothing in the ether that can sustain an empty suit — let alone a Death Star — and it WILL fall to earth. Barrak will have had the ride of his life but will have missed the gravy train that takes him to the front door of the White House. Every dog has his day and Barrak will be remembered not quite like Liz Taylor or Michael Jackson but he will be remembered as the groovy socialist dude with the 1000000 watt smile and black as any half black white person can be. There will be corn chips named after him — Barrack chips that you can buy at any supermarket and Kenyian cold cuts for the socialist set. Boy George and Ophra will review his books and Bill Ayers will become the first Communist to inherit billions of dollars from his Capitalist dad, with the note: “spend it well, son....”

8 posted on 10/25/2008 11:56:59 PM PDT by Blind Eye Jones
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To: Retired Greyhound

The soldiers who went into Iraq said Saddam Hussein’s picture was everywhere.

9 posted on 10/25/2008 11:58:22 PM PDT by advance_copy (Stand for life or nothing at all)
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To: Retired Greyhound
The question is whether enough Americans understand what's at stake in this election and, if they do, whether they care.

And the answers, Mr. Levin, are no, and no. Our mushy, middle majority, the American Idol fans who want to see Oprah on "Dancing with the Stars", deserve both Obama and an unfettered Pelosi.
11 posted on 10/26/2008 12:07:53 AM PDT by flowerplough (Obama, Oct. 7 debate: " You know, a lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11 ...")
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To: Retired Greyhound
And while America will certainly survive, it will do so, in many respects, as a different place.

I wish I had Mark Levin's optimism. In ordinary times, I might say we can survive socialists in full control of the executive and legislative branches. In fact, in ordinary times it might even serve the purpose of being instructional to young people that didn't experience the Carter years. But ...

Sorry, I don't feel as good as Mark that America will survive.

13 posted on 10/26/2008 12:18:38 AM PDT by PressurePoint
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To: Retired Greyhound
Here is a vanity which is relevant published nearly a month ago: Saturday, October 04, 2008


The idea of the Authoritarian Personality originated in The Frankfurt School as a means of undermining the position of the father within the family circle and thereby undermine the family itself and ultimately the nation as a bulwark against communism. It was heavily larded with pseudo-Freudian analysis and was expanded to subvert all institutionalized authority. Every season we see an article, usually by some college professor with too much time in his hands or sometimes by psychiatrists acting either singly or in gaggles, opining that the current president, if he be Republican, is somehow psychologically deficient. No Republican president or Republican candidate in my lifetime has escaped this ritual psychoanalysis.

A recent excrescence of this genre is the book by Naomi Wolf in which she ludicrously argues that America, led by George Bush, is on the verge of descending into fascism. I have posted my objection to this sort of pseudoscience and I have tried to debunk this cheap propaganda so I am reluctant to engage hypocritically in the same game now. Well, I am going to do it anyway. I aim to indict about half of our whole society. The half, and likely more than half, that will vote for Barak Obama. My psychological conclusions do not pretend to the trappings of the "science" of the psyche and adorned with the word games of Freudian analysis, rather they are rooted in common sense.

The conclusion of anyone with common sense who has seen the films of innocent children singing their Obama songs or who has watched the quasi-military chanting and saluting of the Obama Youth in military garb must conclude that there is something very, very wrong with these people. I remember when I first saw the YouTube Children singing their Obama song I became conscious after a while that my mouth was gaping open, so appalled was I. My reaction to seeing the paramilitary gang marching into the karate hall was a mixture of embarrassment that these kids would make such fools of themselves and anger that adults would so brazenly manipulate children. Then I felt a creeping sense of unease that there was something potentially very sinister going on. Dear merciful God, this is Orwellian!

Beyond a very healthy repugnance to the spectacle of brainwashed children put on display, beyond the inescapable Maoist symbolism of it all, a commonsense person asks, what kind of man would permit this to go on in his name? What kind of parent would not seek to protect his child from such a man? What kind of pathology would lead parents who presumably love their children to consign those children to the demons of mind control? How could Americans fall for such a transparent cult of personality?

Unfortunately, we need not be uncertain about what kind of man would permit this grotesquerie to be advanced in his name. History provides us with plenty of examples: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Kim Jong-Il come to mind and now we add Barak Obama to the list. Why has he not spoken out and repudiated this? Would not a decent man do so if only for the children?

If Obama will not speak out now as a candidate when a little modesty, even false modesty, would advance his chances, what will he do when he gains office with no resistance anywhere on the horizon; no opposition in either the House or the Senate, no voice in traditional media to be raised against him, no institutional resistance on a national level of any kind organized to discourage him? Because he condones this obscenity one must ask, Is Obama really a narcissist as has been claimed? If so, how far will he go when he has the levers of power in his hands when there is no effective resistance to his ego?

How dangerous is Barak Obama?

Is he too dangerous to be put in a place where he could literally get us all killed? Or Is he the indispensable man in some sense? I do not think so. There is nothing in his career that suggests that he is the man for this season. In a time of war he has no military experience. In a time of looming financial disaster, he has no economic credentials. If he is potentially dangerous and if he is not indispensable, why would so many people want to put him in a position where he could do us harm, even get us all killed?

My commonsense explanation is that there must be a pathology, a mass psychosis, that brings people to the point where not only are they eager to make him the most powerful man in the world but they are invoking his name and calling upon him to be their savior. This they do rather than falling on their knees out of fear of The Real God. This is the Obama pathology.

To a middle-class conservative who instinctively rejects conspiracy theories and normally wants to think the best of people because that's what he learned in Sunday school, this deification of an empty suit is as bewildering as it is frightening. What in the world are these people thinking? Do they not weigh the risks of consigning their fate to an unqualified man, worse, a person tainted his whole life with stunningly dangerous confederates including felons and Communists and terrorists? What is the upside? What is it about this man whose career is utterly uninterrupted by any accomplishment which would motivate these people to risk their children and my children to whatever he might do to them? How do they know? How can they be sure? Don't they have any doubts?

My problem is that I am seeking after that which I cannot find. I want to find an explanation in logic for a phenomenon of emotion. It is easy for middle-class conservatives to overlook the power of emotion even though history provides plenty of examples even within our own culture in America. Can logic explain why so many drank Jim Jone's Kool aid? Why Charles Manson commanded such blood loyalty? How many cheered OJ Simpson's acquittal? Why did princes Diana's passing traumatize a nation? These are not questions which are answered with everyday commonsense. One almost has to go to the Bible to see the answer in Old Testament allegory which lets us know that evil is and there will always be worshipers of the golden calf.

I fear that in November we conservatives might find ourselves involuntarily embarked upon a journey that is foreign to our epistemology. We may be going into dark places and we might well be pushed into a netherworld where our common sense values are of no use because it is a place where down is up and black is white, a place where gravity does not pull but pushes, a place where we will need a pocket translator in order to converse in English with our government, our children's teachers, and our keepers even though they superficially use the same words we do. We sense we are about to be overwhelmed by forces guided by the ghost of Saul Alinsky.

I fear the downside of the Obama Pathology after his election may extend to dimensions we cannot begin to fasten to our everyday understanding or to our common sense. We have no way of knowing what will come because we don't know anything really about Barak Obama. We do not know if he is purely evil, we do not know if he is a committed communist, we do not know if he is a racist, we do not know if he wishes to see the submergence of the United States into a greater world order, we do not know if he is a megalomaniac, we do not even know, God help us, if he hates America. We do not know, in short, if we are backs - to- the- wall confronted with the Liberals' quadrennial nightmare: A real Authoritarian Personality.

We do know that Barak Obama has already encouraged a cult of personality whose implications are truly frightening and fundamentally un-American.

18 posted on 10/26/2008 1:07:30 AM PDT by nathanbedford ("Attack, repeat attack!" Bull Halsey)
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To: Retired Greyhound
This Obamunist cult reminds me of this spinoff from the psuedo-Muslim/Christian/SciFi/Narcissist Nation of Islam spinoff- the five percenters. They have some twisted beliefs:

1964 : ("5 PERCENTERS" MOVEMENT IS STARTED BY CLARENCE 13X -- See HIP HOP, RAP) The Five Percent began as an offshoot of the NOI (Nation of Islam) back in 1964 by Clarence 13X who was a minister in Mosque no. 7 under the tutelege of Malcolm X. The movement was started because Clarence 13X rejected the notion that Wallace Fard was God Incarnate (see NOI). He began teaching that the black man himself was god. Five Percenters also depart from NOI in their teaching of the Supreme Alphabet and Supreme Mathmatics, an arcane system devised by Clarence 13X wherein each letter or numeral denotes a concept with an accompanying parable. "A" stands for Allah, "B" is Be or Born, "C" is See and so on. This process is known as "dropping science".


1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth.

2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.

3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man's relationship to the universe.

4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.

5. That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self sufficient as a people.

6. That each one should teach one according to their knowledge.

7. That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.

8. That our children are our link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.

9. That the unified black family is the vital building block of the nation.

-------- What We Teach, From the "Nation of gods and earths" page ( ) ************************************* Five Percent Nation is a loose-knit religious organization that split from the Nation of Islam in 1964. --------

22 posted on 10/26/2008 2:17:53 AM PDT by piasa (Attitude Adjustments Offered Here Free of Charge)
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To: Retired Greyhound
"Yeah", said the girl. "When did they start putting political guys on music magazines?"

Rolling Stoned has been doing that since day 1. Obomba, Algore, McGovern, and Jimmy Crapper, they've all been there.

23 posted on 10/26/2008 2:59:41 AM PDT by Fresh Wind (Tom Manion USMC '08!!)
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To: Retired Greyhound

While I don’t think we ever really were a “swing state” here in Indiana-just a place for him to spend some of the money he has to burn-last night for the first time in forever I didn’t see any of his ads on local TV. Did see two or three McCain ads though.

26 posted on 10/26/2008 4:11:57 AM PDT by John W (Maverick I can do, but, Messiah is above my paygrade)
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To: Retired Greyhound
Barack is an icon whose time has come and gone.

Americans create icons. They are seen everywhere 24/7 and soon we mock them and laugh at them.

Obama is about to replace Michael Jackson as the world's biggest joke.

30 posted on 10/26/2008 4:50:57 AM PDT by NoControllingLegalAuthority
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