I disagree, in this case. This wasn't just a random, formal dinner where Cardinal Egan and Senator Obama both just happened to show up. This was an official Archdiocesan event to which Punished-with-a-Baby was invited and at which he was treated as an honored guest, seated by the Archbishop.
The unmistakable impression conveyed by this event is that, "We're all just good buds," and Obama's beliefs and actions regarding crucial moral issues don't matter in the slightest. I think Cardinal Egan should apologize to the faithful Catholics of the Archdiocese, and announce that no further dinners will be held unless the candidates of both parties renounce abortion and other assaults on human life.
I agree with you:
“I think Cardinal Egan should apologize to the faithful Catholics of the Archdiocese, and announce that no further dinners will be held unless the candidates of both parties renounce abortion and other assaults on human life.”
Flipping TV channels, I came across a preacher that said: “I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you this: don’t you ever vote for a politician that supports abortion. Ever.”
Our pastor said next Sunday, for the first time ever, he is going to talk about politics in church. My gut feeling is the bottom line will be like the one above.
Churches need to make a blunt statement. It is never, under any circumstances, acceptable to vote for pro-abortion (pro-choice, or whatever else you want to call it) political candidate.
Part of the reason we are losing the abortion issue at the ballot box is too many pro-lifers see it as one issue amoung many. It’s not. It is the one issue that overrides all others.
I’ve notice the Dems have recently been making a push that they are really more ‘pro-life’ because, while they wouldn’t outlaw abortion, their policies would reduce abortion. A Kennedy girl was on O’Reily trying to spin that line, and even O’Reily wasn’t buying it.
The Catholic church (as well as protestant and baptist churches) need to be blunt.
It is never, under any circumstances, OK to vote for a pro-abortion candidate.
I agree.
Time for Catholics to be Catholics——it shouldn’t be that hard.
It apparently isn’t hard for Bishop Chaput, God bless him.
I can’t remember if it was C.S. Lewis or G.K Chesterson (someone can correct mne as to whom) who said: “What we need now are men with chests”. (interesting that the quote uses the heart for courage and not other discernable body parts)
Yes. what we need now are men with hearts of courage.
Jesus dined with sinners, but as far as my Biblical knowledge goes, not with Pharisees. (someone can correct me here, too, if necessary).