I think what McCain should not go for the jugular in this debate. Hear me out.
I think he needs to lay the groundwork for the two weeks onslaught of ads and exposes on Obama.
He needs to undermine confidence in Obama tonight. Both as a man who is extreme socially (BAIPA), economically (Spread the Wealth), and foreign policy wise (Meetings with Iran, no preconditions, wrong on the surge, the IRANIANS now have preconditions, etc... This is also where Ayers could come in, and a zinger about Obama not being able to get a job in the FBI with his background could help).
Lay the foundation for the narrative to come in the next two weeks and McCain wins handily. Since this election is about Obama, paint the blank slate that is Obama with the REAL picture of Obama.
I watched “The Picture of Dorian Gray” last night. All I could think of was Barry.
Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama -- Connecting the Dots
In short....documented evidence of the funding of anti-american education programs....by Obama as the money allocator for the Annenberg Challenge.